I am trying to remove Lower Regent Cost from my server. I have already commented out all entries from BaseRunicTool.cs, but what else am i missing? (the LRC drops have decreased, but are still there. What am i missing?
You would likely, (I may be wrong) have to remove the entire function of LRC from the server. Inside AOS.cs line 446 to remove LRC check from Status Window, AoSAttributeProperty.cs line 364 for Lower Reagent Cost in general. Removing those lines MAY cause errors, so you would have to solve for the errors after removing LRC entirely.
Id like to keep the attribute, i just want to prevent it from being generated on any new peices of gear. This includes deactivating it from the Imbuing skill as well.

Update: so i think ive done it. i commented it out of all base scripts that it is present in. Problem now is it applies LRC to all items at 0%. with the exception of so far some hats and some shields.
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