I used to love the bulletin boards on OSI shards, with the escorts/prisoner notifications. I know there is a bulletin board escort quest for the classic client. I have used it and enjoy it. Problem is I can't stand the classic client, and the enhanced does not support bulletin boards...

The casino scripts have a turboslotstat.cs. It is a constructable board that uses the bulletin board graphic. It links to the turboslotstatgump.cs to get info from an array and display stats of wins/losses etc on all the slot machines. It opens a gump, not a bulletin board, to display the stats. It displays and updates properly on the Enhanced Client.

So I have an idea but I am having problems figuring it out.

I want to see if I can get the bulletin board to send info to a gump, and use it to open and display the escorts/prisoners in the area.

This is the main section of code for the bulletin board (there is more, but this kinds of covers it. It repeats for escorts/camps/prisoners).

  #region BBS Quests
  public class PrisonerMessage : BulletinMessage
  private BaseCamp m_Camp;

  public BaseCamp Camp { get { return m_Camp; } }

  public PrisonerMessage(BaseCamp c, BaseEscortable escort)
  : base(c.Prisoner, null, "", null)
  m_Camp = c;

  switch (Utility.Random(13))
  case 0: Subject = "A kidnapping!"; break;
  case 1: Subject = "Help!"; break;
  case 2: Subject = "Help us, please!"; break;
  case 3: Subject = "Adventurers needed!"; break;
  case 4: Subject = "Seeking assistance"; break;
  case 5: Subject = "In need of aid"; break;
  case 6: Subject = "Canst thou help us?"; break;
  case 7: Subject = "Shall any save our friend?"; break;
  case 8: Subject = "A friend was kidnapped!"; break;
  case 9: Subject = "Heroes wanted!"; break;
  case 10: Subject = "Can any assist us?"; break;
  case 11: Subject = "Kidnapped!"; break;
  case 12: Subject = "Taken prisoner"; break;

  double distance;
  BulletinBoard board = FindClosestBB(c.Prisoner, out distance);

  List<String> myLines = new List<String>();
  string[] subtext1 = { "foul", "vile", "evil", "dark", "cruel", "vicious", "scoundrelly", "dastardly", "cowardly", "craven", "foul and monstrous", "monstrous", "hideous", "terrible", "cruel, evil", "truly vile", "vicious and cunning", "" };

  string camp;

  switch (c.Camp)
  case CampType.Default: camp = ""; break;
  //case CampType.EvilMage: camp = "evil mages"; break;
  //case CampType.GoodMage: camp = "mages"; break;
  case CampType.Lizardman: camp = "lizardmen"; break;
  case CampType.Orc: camp = "orcs"; break;
  case CampType.Ratman: camp = "ratmen"; break;
  case CampType.Brigand: camp = "brigands"; break;
  //case CampType.Gypsy: camp = "gypsys"; break;
  //case CampType.Warlord: camp = "a warlord"; break;

  myLines.Add(String.Format("Help us please! {0} hath", escort.Name));
  myLines.Add(String.Format("been kidnapped by "));
  myLines.Add(String.Format("{0} {1}!", subtext1[Utility.Random(subtext1.Length)], camp));
  myLines.Add(String.Format("We believe that {0} is held at", escort.Female ? "she" : "he"));

  int xLong = 0, yLat = 0;
  int xMins = 0, yMins = 0;
  bool xEast = false, ySouth = false;

  if (Sextant.Format(c.Location, c.Map, ref xLong, ref yLat, ref xMins, ref yMins, ref xEast, ref ySouth))
  myLines.Add(String.Format("{0}o {1}'{2}, {3}o {4}'{5}", yLat, yMins, ySouth ? "S" : "N", xLong, xMins, xEast ? "E" : "W"));

  Lines = myLines.ToArray();

  if (board != null)
I am trying to figure basically, how to get that info into the gump.... I have a script I am playing with, but not getting there ha ha. I will keep trying - but if anyone has any pointers - I would appreciate a nudge in the right direction. As I have said before i am not much of a scripter right now, more of a cut/paste/cram it together kind scripter. :)

I think my main question is, the existing bulletin board quest does everything with one script, the turbo slots uses 2 scripts - one to gather the info to the gump, another to display the info... so do I need to use 2 scripts the same way the turbo slots do? Like a BBgump and a BBboard script

This a snippet of the turboslotstatsgump.

  public class TurboSlotsStatGump : Gump
  private ArrayList m_SlotArray;

  public TurboSlotsStatGump(Mobile from, ArrayList t)
  : base(25, 25)
  m_SlotArray = t;
  string text = null;
  int starty = 40;

  Closable = true;
  Disposable = true;
  Dragable = true;
  Resizable = false;
  AddBackground(0, 0, 530, 325, 5170);
  if (from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster && m_SlotArray !=null && m_SlotArray.Count > 0)
  AddButton(478, 30, 0xFAB, 0xFAD, 100, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
  AddLabel(165, 3, 55, "Top Ten Recent Jackpot Winners");
  m_SlotArray.Sort(new ListAmountSorter());
  AddLabel(55, 20, 1149, "Name");
  AddLabel(235, 20, 1149, "Date");
  AddLabel(390, 20, 1149, "Value/Gold");
  AddImageTiled(40, 65, 450, 45, 0xBBC);
  AddImageTiled(40, 115, 450, 170, 9204);
  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
  text = String.Format("{0:##}.", i + 1);
  AddLabel(20, starty + i*25, 1152, @text);
  if (m_SlotArray != null && m_SlotArray.Count > 0)
  int count = m_SlotArray.Count > 9 ? 10 : m_SlotArray.Count;
  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
  if (m_SlotArray[i] == null || ((TurboSlot)m_SlotArray[i]).LastWonBy == null) { break; }
  TurboSlot ts = (TurboSlot)m_SlotArray[i];
  text = String.Format("{0}", ts.LastWonBy.Name);
  AddLabel(45, starty, ts.Hue - 1, @text);
  text = String.Format("{0}", ts.LastWonByDate);
  AddLabel(175, starty, ts.Hue - 1, @text);
  text = String.Format("{0:##,###,##0}", ts.LastWonAmount);
  AddLabel(385, starty, ts.Hue - 1, @text);
  starty += 25;

  public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info)
  Mobile from = state.Mobile;
  if (from == null)
  if (info.ButtonID == 100 && from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster)// Admin Gump
  ArrayList turboslotsarray = new ArrayList();
  foreach (TurboSlot t in m_SlotArray) // Duplicate the array to avoid conflicts
  from.SendGump(new TurboSlotsStatGump(from, m_SlotArray));
  from.SendGump(new TurboSlotsAdminGump(from, turboslotsarray, 0, true, 0));

  private class ListAmountSorter : IComparer
  public ListAmountSorter()
  : base()

  public int Compare(object x, object y)
  if (x == null || y == null || x == y) return 0;
  if (((TurboSlot)x).LastWonAmount == ((TurboSlot)y).LastWonAmount)
  return ((((TurboSlot)x).LastWonByDate > ((TurboSlot)y).LastWonByDate) ? -1 : 1);
  return ((((TurboSlot)x).LastWonAmount > ((TurboSlot)y).LastWonAmount) ? -1 : 1);
Last edited:
Not to push you away from scripting this, but using Xmlspawner, there is the XmlQuest mod that comes with it and that allows players to make custom quests and post them on a bulletin board (or whatever itemID you pick). You can also create escorts using the TalkingBaseEscort and giving the destination a value on the Xmlspawner (TalkingBaseEscort/Name/Fred/Destination/YourRegionName).
...You can also create escorts using the TalkingBaseEscort and giving the destination a value on the Xmlspawner (TalkingBaseEscort/Name/Fred/Destination/YourRegionName).
Oh very cool. That might be the answer :) I would rather use something already there if I can ha ha.
Those XMLSpawners are the most amazing creations!