Hello everyone! I am new to ServUO (from RunUO) and I am trying to get a script I love that worked great on RunUO working on ServUO but I am unsure what changes need to be made. Can anyone help me out and point me in the right direction? Thank you!!

Here is the errors I am getting:

 + Custom/Events/Paint Ball/PaintBallGunBase.cs:
    CS1061: Line 49: 'IDamageable' does not contain a definition for 'Player' and no accessible extension method 'Player' accepting a first argument of type 'IDamageable' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS1061: Line 49: 'IDamageable' does not contain a definition for 'Region' and no accessible extension method 'Region' accepting a first argument of type 'IDamageable' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS0411: Line 51: The type arguments for method 'MobileExtUtility.FindItemOnLayer<TItem>(Mobile, Layer)' cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly.
    CS1061: Line 52: 'IDamageable' does not contain a definition for 'SendMessage' and no accessible extension method 'SendMessage' accepting a first argument of type 'IDamageable' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS1061: Line 68: 'IDamageable' does not contain a definition for 'SendMessage' and no accessible extension method 'SendMessage' accepting a first argument of type 'IDamageable' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS0200: Line 70: Property or indexer 'IPoint2D.X' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only
    CS0200: Line 71: Property or indexer 'IPoint2D.Y' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only
    CS0200: Line 72: Property or indexer 'IPoint3D.Z' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only
    CS0200: Line 96: Property or indexer 'IPoint2D.X' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only
    CS0200: Line 97: Property or indexer 'IPoint2D.Y' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only
    CS0200: Line 98: Property or indexer 'IPoint3D.Z' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only
    CS1061: Line 102: 'IDamageable' does not contain a definition for 'SendMessage' and no accessible extension method 'SendMessage' accepting a first argument of type 'IDamageable' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS0200: Line 119: Property or indexer 'IPoint2D.X' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only
    CS0200: Line 120: Property or indexer 'IPoint2D.Y' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only
    CS0200: Line 121: Property or indexer 'IPoint3D.Z' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only
    CS1061: Line 125: 'IDamageable' does not contain a definition for 'SendMessage' and no accessible extension method 'SendMessage' accepting a first argument of type 'IDamageable' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS1061: Line 129: 'IDamageable' does not contain a definition for 'Region' and no accessible extension method 'Region' accepting a first argument of type 'IDamageable' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS1061: Line 132: 'IDamageable' does not contain a definition for 'Freeze' and no accessible extension method 'Freeze' accepting a first argument of type 'IDamageable' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    CS0103: Line 135: The name 'damageBonus' does not exist in the current context
    CS0103: Line 137: The name 'damageBonus' does not exist in the current context
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
 - Press return to exit, or R to try again.

Here is the script:

using System;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Items;
using System.Collections;

namespace Server.Items
    public class PaintBallGunBase : BaseRanged
        public override int EffectID{ get{ return 0x1BFE; } }
        public override Type AmmoType{ get{ return typeof( PaintBallPellets ); } }
        public override Item Ammo{ get{ return new PaintBallPellets(); } }

        public override WeaponAbility PrimaryAbility{ get{ return WeaponAbility.Block; } }
        public override WeaponAbility SecondaryAbility{ get{ return WeaponAbility.ForceOfNature; } }
        public override float MlSpeed{ get{ return 2.50f; } }

        public override int AosStrengthReq{ get{ return 0; } }
        public override int AosMinDamage{ get{ return 1; } }
        public override int AosMaxDamage{ get{ return 1; } }
        public override int AosSpeed{ get{ return 25; } }

        public override int OldStrengthReq{ get{ return 0; } }
        public override int OldMinDamage{ get{ return 1; } }
        public override int OldMaxDamage{ get{ return 1; } }
        public override int OldSpeed{ get{ return 25; } }

        public override int DefMaxRange{ get{ return 10; } }

        public override int InitMinHits{ get{ return 0; } }
        public override int InitMaxHits{ get{ return 0; } }
        public override SkillName DefSkill{ get{ return SkillName.Forensics; } }

        public PaintBallGunBase() : base( 3920 )
              WeaponAttributes.SelfRepair = 20;
            //Attributes.NightSight = 1;
            Weight = 1.0;
            Hue = Utility.RandomMetalHue();
            SkillBonuses.SetValues(0, SkillName.Forensics, 100);

        public override void OnHit(Mobile attacker, IDamageable defender, double Damagebonus)
            if (defender.Player && defender.Region.Name == "The Paintball Arena" )
                Item paintrobe = defender.FindItemOnLayer(Layer.OuterTorso );
                defender.SendMessage( "You feel wet paint on you" );
                if ( paintrobe == null)
                    //defender.SendMessage( "You have NO Robe on!" );

                    ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
                    foreach ( Item item in World.Items.Values )
                        if( item.RootParent == defender)
                            if ( item is PaintBallPellets ) list.Add( item );
                            else if ( item is PaintBallRobe ) list.Add( item );
                            else if ( item is PaintBallGunBase ) list.Add( item );
                    foreach ( Item item in list ) item.Delete();
                    defender.SendMessage( "You have been eliminated for not wearing the robe. The paintball equipment has been removed from your pack." );

                    defender.X = 5705;
                    defender.Y = 662;
                    defender.Z = 0;
                    defender.Map = Map.Felucca;
                    Effects.SendLocationEffect(defender.Location, defender.Map, 0x3728, 10, 10);
                    defender.PlaySound (510);
                else if ( paintrobe.Hue == 6) paintrobe.Hue = 11;
                else if ( paintrobe.Hue == 11) paintrobe.Hue = 21;
                else if ( paintrobe.Hue == 21) paintrobe.Hue = 31;
                else if ( paintrobe.Hue == 31) paintrobe.Hue = 38;
                else if ( paintrobe.Hue == 38)
                    paintrobe.Hue = 6;
                    //defender.SendMessage( "You have been hit 5 times!" );
                    ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
                    foreach ( Item item in World.Items.Values )
                        if( item.RootParent == defender)
                            if ( item is PaintBallPellets ) list.Add( item );
                            else if ( item is PaintBallRobe ) list.Add( item );
                            else if ( item is PaintBallGunBase ) list.Add( item );
                    foreach ( Item item in list ) item.Delete();
                    defender.X = 5705;
                    defender.Y = 662;
                    defender.Z = 0;
                    defender.Map = Map.Felucca;
                    Effects.SendLocationEffect(defender.Location, defender.Map, 0x3728, 10, 10);
                    defender.PlaySound (510);
                    defender.SendMessage( "You have been hit 5 times and been eliminated. The paintball equipment has been removed from your pack." );
                    this.Name = this.Name + "/";
                    //defender.SendMessage( "You are not wearing the proper robe!" );
                    ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
                    foreach ( Item item in World.Items.Values )
                        if( item.RootParent == defender)
                            if ( item is PaintBallPellets ) list.Add( item );
                            else if ( item is PaintBallRobe ) list.Add( item );
                            else if ( item is PaintBallGunBase ) list.Add( item );
                    foreach ( Item item in list ) item.Delete();
                    defender.X = 5705;
                    defender.Y = 662;
                    defender.Z = 0;
                    defender.Map = Map.Felucca;
                    Effects.SendLocationEffect(defender.Location, defender.Map, 0x3728, 10, 10);
                    defender.PlaySound (510);
                    defender.SendMessage( "You have been eliminated for not wearing the proper robe. All paintball equipment has been removed from your pack." );

            else if ( defender.Region.Name == "The Paintball Arena" )
                attacker.SendMessage( "You stunned the bot for a moment" );
                defender.Freeze( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 30.0 ) );

            damageBonus = -10;

            base.OnHit( attacker, defender, damageBonus );

        public PaintBallGunBase( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

        public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
            base.Serialize( writer );

            writer.Write( (int) 0 ); // version

        public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
            base.Deserialize( reader );

            int version = reader.ReadInt();
The errors tell you that IDamageable does not have these functions, so you would need to cast / convert the defender to a mobile again. This was a change in some publish because there were suddenly Items that could be attacked.

This should work as expected:

        public override void OnHit(Mobile attacker, IDamageable defender, double Damagebonus)
            if(defender is Mobile)
                Mobile defMobile = (Mobile)defender ;
                if (defMobile.Region.Name == "The Paintball Arena")
                    if (defMobile.Player)
                        Item paintrobe = defMobile.FindItemOnLayer(Layer.OuterTorso );
                        defMobile.SendMessage( "You feel wet paint on you" );
                        if ( paintrobe == null)
                            //defMobile.SendMessage( "You have NO Robe on!" );

                            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
                            foreach ( Item item in World.Items.Values )
                                if( item.RootParent == defMobile)
                                    if ( item is PaintBallPellets ) list.Add( item );
                                    else if ( item is PaintBallRobe ) list.Add( item );
                                    else if ( item is PaintBallGunBase ) list.Add( item );
                            foreach ( Item item in list ) item.Delete();
                            defMobile.SendMessage( "You have been eliminated for not wearing the robe. The paintball equipment has been removed from your pack." );

                            defMobile.X = 5705;
                            defMobile.Y = 662;
                            defMobile.Z = 0;
                            defMobile.Map = Map.Felucca;
                            Effects.SendLocationEffect(defMobile.Location, defMobile.Map, 0x3728, 10, 10);
                            defMobile.PlaySound (510);
                        else if ( paintrobe.Hue == 6) paintrobe.Hue = 11;
                        else if ( paintrobe.Hue == 11) paintrobe.Hue = 21;
                        else if ( paintrobe.Hue == 21) paintrobe.Hue = 31;
                        else if ( paintrobe.Hue == 31) paintrobe.Hue = 38;
                        else if ( paintrobe.Hue == 38)
                            paintrobe.Hue = 6;
                            //defMobile.SendMessage( "You have been hit 5 times!" );
                            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
                            foreach ( Item item in World.Items.Values )
                                if( item.RootParent == defMobile)
                                    if ( item is PaintBallPellets ) list.Add( item );
                                    else if ( item is PaintBallRobe ) list.Add( item );
                                    else if ( item is PaintBallGunBase ) list.Add( item );
                            foreach ( Item item in list ) item.Delete();
                            defMobile.X = 5705;
                            defMobile.Y = 662;
                            defMobile.Z = 0;
                            defMobile.Map = Map.Felucca;
                            Effects.SendLocationEffect(defMobile.Location, defMobile.Map, 0x3728, 10, 10);
                            defMobile.PlaySound (510);
                            defMobile.SendMessage( "You have been hit 5 times and been eliminated. The paintball equipment has been removed from your pack." );
                            this.Name = this.Name + "/";
                            //defMobile.SendMessage( "You are not wearing the proper robe!" );
                            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
                            foreach ( Item item in World.Items.Values )
                                if( item.RootParent == defMobile)
                                    if ( item is PaintBallPellets ) list.Add( item );
                                    else if ( item is PaintBallRobe ) list.Add( item );
                                    else if ( item is PaintBallGunBase ) list.Add( item );
                            foreach ( Item item in list ) item.Delete();
                            defMobile.X = 5705;
                            defMobile.Y = 662;
                            defMobile.Z = 0;
                            defMobile.Map = Map.Felucca;
                            Effects.SendLocationEffect(defMobile.Location, defMobile.Map, 0x3728, 10, 10);
                            defMobile.PlaySound (510);
                            defMobile.SendMessage( "You have been eliminated for not wearing the proper robe. All paintball equipment has been removed from your pack." );
                        attacker.SendMessage( "You stunned the bot for a moment" );
                        defMobile.Freeze( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 30.0 ) );

                damageBonus = -10;
            base.OnHit( attacker, defender, damageBonus );
Thanks so much!!! Just seems one last error in the system. It's throwing out this error

+ Custom/Events/Paint Ball/PaintBallGunBase.cs:
CS0106: Line 144: The modifier 'public' is not valid for this item
CS1001: Line 144: Identifier expected
CS1002: Line 144: ; expected
CS1513: Line 144: } expected
CS1002: Line 144: ; expected
CS1513: Line 146: } expected
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

Which is weird.... cause it's just a generic serialization that one would use for any item.

public PaintBallGunBase( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

Any thoughts on why that would appear all the sudden?
Looks like I missed a bracket there
        public override void OnHit(Mobile attacker, IDamageable defender, double Damagebonus)
            if(defender is Mobile)
                Mobile defMobile = (Mobile)defender;
                if (defMobile.Region.Name == "The Paintball Arena")
                    if (defMobile.Player)
                        Item paintrobe = defMobile.FindItemOnLayer(Layer.OuterTorso );
                        defMobile.SendMessage( "You feel wet paint on you" );
                        if ( paintrobe == null)
                            //defMobile.SendMessage( "You have NO Robe on!" );

                            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
                            foreach ( Item item in World.Items.Values )
                                if( item.RootParent == defMobile)
                                    if ( item is PaintBallPellets ) list.Add( item );
                                    else if ( item is PaintBallRobe ) list.Add( item );
                                    else if ( item is PaintBallGunBase ) list.Add( item );
                            foreach ( Item item in list ) item.Delete();
                            defMobile.SendMessage( "You have been eliminated for not wearing the robe. The paintball equipment has been removed from your pack." );

                            defMobile.X = 5705;
                            defMobile.Y = 662;
                            defMobile.Z = 0;
                            defMobile.Map = Map.Felucca;
                            Effects.SendLocationEffect(defMobile.Location, defMobile.Map, 0x3728, 10, 10);
                            defMobile.PlaySound (510);
                        else if ( paintrobe.Hue == 6) paintrobe.Hue = 11;
                        else if ( paintrobe.Hue == 11) paintrobe.Hue = 21;
                        else if ( paintrobe.Hue == 21) paintrobe.Hue = 31;
                        else if ( paintrobe.Hue == 31) paintrobe.Hue = 38;
                        else if ( paintrobe.Hue == 38)
                            paintrobe.Hue = 6;
                            //defMobile.SendMessage( "You have been hit 5 times!" );
                            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
                            foreach ( Item item in World.Items.Values )
                                if( item.RootParent == defMobile)
                                    if ( item is PaintBallPellets ) list.Add( item );
                                    else if ( item is PaintBallRobe ) list.Add( item );
                                    else if ( item is PaintBallGunBase ) list.Add( item );
                            foreach ( Item item in list ) item.Delete();
                            defMobile.X = 5705;
                            defMobile.Y = 662;
                            defMobile.Z = 0;
                            defMobile.Map = Map.Felucca;
                            Effects.SendLocationEffect(defMobile.Location, defMobile.Map, 0x3728, 10, 10);
                            defMobile.PlaySound (510);
                            defMobile.SendMessage( "You have been hit 5 times and been eliminated. The paintball equipment has been removed from your pack." );
                            this.Name = this.Name + "/";
                            //defMobile.SendMessage( "You are not wearing the proper robe!" );
                            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
                            foreach ( Item item in World.Items.Values )
                                if( item.RootParent == defMobile)
                                    if ( item is PaintBallPellets ) list.Add( item );
                                    else if ( item is PaintBallRobe ) list.Add( item );
                                    else if ( item is PaintBallGunBase ) list.Add( item );
                            foreach ( Item item in list ) item.Delete();
                            defMobile.X = 5705;
                            defMobile.Y = 662;
                            defMobile.Z = 0;
                            defMobile.Map = Map.Felucca;
                            Effects.SendLocationEffect(defMobile.Location, defMobile.Map, 0x3728, 10, 10);
                            defMobile.PlaySound (510);
                            defMobile.SendMessage( "You have been eliminated for not wearing the proper robe. All paintball equipment has been removed from your pack." );
                        attacker.SendMessage( "You stunned the bot for a moment" );
                        defMobile.Freeze( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 30.0 ) );
                damageBonus = -10;
            base.OnHit( attacker, defender, damageBonus );
Last edited:
Ok, your changes got most of the errors out. just a couple last ones. So I am seeing i have to convert the defender to a mobile but what would the new term for damagebonus be then? defMobile.damagebonus? These are the last few errors. Thanks again PyrO really appreciate the help.

+ Custom/Events/Paint Ball/PaintBallGunBase.cs:
CS0103: Line 139: The name 'damageBonus' does not exist in the current context
CS0103: Line 141: The name 'damageBonus' does not exist in the current context
CS0165: Line 51: Use of unassigned local variable 'defMobile'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.

and this is the entire script again.

using System;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Items;
using System.Collections;

namespace Server.Items
    public class PaintBallGunBase : BaseRanged
        public override int EffectID{ get{ return 0x1BFE; } }
        public override Type AmmoType{ get{ return typeof( PaintBallPellets ); } }
        public override Item Ammo{ get{ return new PaintBallPellets(); } }

        public override WeaponAbility PrimaryAbility{ get{ return WeaponAbility.Block; } }
        public override WeaponAbility SecondaryAbility{ get{ return WeaponAbility.ForceOfNature; } }
        public override float MlSpeed{ get{ return 2.50f; } }

        public override int AosStrengthReq{ get{ return 0; } }
        public override int AosMinDamage{ get{ return 1; } }
        public override int AosMaxDamage{ get{ return 1; } }
        public override int AosSpeed{ get{ return 25; } }

        public override int OldStrengthReq{ get{ return 0; } }
        public override int OldMinDamage{ get{ return 1; } }
        public override int OldMaxDamage{ get{ return 1; } }
        public override int OldSpeed{ get{ return 25; } }

        public override int DefMaxRange{ get{ return 10; } }

        public override int InitMinHits{ get{ return 0; } }
        public override int InitMaxHits{ get{ return 0; } }
        public override SkillName DefSkill{ get{ return SkillName.Forensics; } }

        public PaintBallGunBase() : base( 3920 )
              WeaponAttributes.SelfRepair = 20;
            //Attributes.NightSight = 1;
            Weight = 1.0;
            Hue = Utility.RandomMetalHue();
            SkillBonuses.SetValues(0, SkillName.Forensics, 100);

        public override void OnHit(Mobile attacker, IDamageable defender, double Damagebonus)
            if(defender is Mobile)
                Mobile defMobile = (Mobile)defMobile;
                if (defMobile.Region.Name == "The Paintball Arena")
                    if (defMobile.Player)
                        Item paintrobe = defMobile.FindItemOnLayer(Layer.OuterTorso );
                        defMobile.SendMessage( "You feel wet paint on you" );
                        if ( paintrobe == null)
                            //defMobile.SendMessage( "You have NO Robe on!" );

                            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
                            foreach ( Item item in World.Items.Values )
                                if( item.RootParent == defMobile)
                                    if ( item is PaintBallPellets ) list.Add( item );
                                    else if ( item is PaintBallRobe ) list.Add( item );
                                    else if ( item is PaintBallGunBase ) list.Add( item );
                            foreach ( Item item in list ) item.Delete();
                            defMobile.SendMessage( "You have been eliminated for not wearing the robe. The paintball equipment has been removed from your pack." );

                            defMobile.X = 5705;
                            defMobile.Y = 662;
                            defMobile.Z = 0;
                            defMobile.Map = Map.Felucca;
                            Effects.SendLocationEffect(defMobile.Location, defMobile.Map, 0x3728, 10, 10);
                            defMobile.PlaySound (510);
                        else if ( paintrobe.Hue == 6) paintrobe.Hue = 11;
                        else if ( paintrobe.Hue == 11) paintrobe.Hue = 21;
                        else if ( paintrobe.Hue == 21) paintrobe.Hue = 31;
                        else if ( paintrobe.Hue == 31) paintrobe.Hue = 38;
                        else if ( paintrobe.Hue == 38)
                            paintrobe.Hue = 6;
                            //defMobile.SendMessage( "You have been hit 5 times!" );
                            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
                            foreach ( Item item in World.Items.Values )
                                if( item.RootParent == defMobile)
                                    if ( item is PaintBallPellets ) list.Add( item );
                                    else if ( item is PaintBallRobe ) list.Add( item );
                                    else if ( item is PaintBallGunBase ) list.Add( item );
                            foreach ( Item item in list ) item.Delete();
                            defMobile.X = 5705;
                            defMobile.Y = 662;
                            defMobile.Z = 0;
                            defMobile.Map = Map.Felucca;
                            Effects.SendLocationEffect(defMobile.Location, defMobile.Map, 0x3728, 10, 10);
                            defMobile.PlaySound (510);
                            defMobile.SendMessage( "You have been hit 5 times and been eliminated. The paintball equipment has been removed from your pack." );
                            this.Name = this.Name + "/";
                            //defMobile.SendMessage( "You are not wearing the proper robe!" );
                            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
                            foreach ( Item item in World.Items.Values )
                                if( item.RootParent == defMobile)
                                    if ( item is PaintBallPellets ) list.Add( item );
                                    else if ( item is PaintBallRobe ) list.Add( item );
                                    else if ( item is PaintBallGunBase ) list.Add( item );
                            foreach ( Item item in list ) item.Delete();
                            defMobile.X = 5705;
                            defMobile.Y = 662;
                            defMobile.Z = 0;
                            defMobile.Map = Map.Felucca;
                            Effects.SendLocationEffect(defMobile.Location, defMobile.Map, 0x3728, 10, 10);
                            defMobile.PlaySound (510);
                            defMobile.SendMessage( "You have been eliminated for not wearing the proper robe. All paintball equipment has been removed from your pack." );
                        attacker.SendMessage( "You stunned the bot for a moment" );
                        defMobile.Freeze( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 30.0 ) );
                damageBonus = -10;
            base.OnHit( attacker, defender, damageBonus );

        public PaintBallGunBase( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

        public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
            base.Serialize( writer );

            writer.Write( (int) 0 ); // version

        public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
            base.Deserialize( reader );

            int version = reader.ReadInt();
Didnt see that the parameters name changed, it should not be Damagebonus but damageBonus
so it should be that.
public override void OnHit(Mobile attacker, IDamageable defender, double damageBonus)

additionally it appears that the edit I threw in since I saw a small replacement mistake, didnt take effect after all .. odd
so the line:
Mobile defMobile = (Mobile)defMobile;
should be:
Mobile defMobile = (Mobile)defender;