hi all, i have checked for all the related post forum, but i can't find the solution.

I downloaded CentrED+ by user Golfin and I followed the whole installation tutorial but "cedserver" keeps closing without telling me anything.

The versions of UO that I have tried are the following: (new) (old)

thanks in advance for future replies.
CZE: Protože jsi čech, napřed to popíši naší řečí. Nenapsal jsi vůbec, jaký problém si s tím měl. Možná by bylo vhodné sem lidem říct, konkrétně o jaký problém šlo. Já se přiznám, vůbec jsem to z této a i s diskuse na diskordu nepoznal. Tak Ti ani nikdo nemohl pomoci. Popiš konkrétně, co u Tvé instalace Centred+ bylo za důvody potíží. Hlavně poslední Tvé vysvětlení ohledně cmd příkazu je velmi zavádějící a říká nám něco, o čem nic nevíme. Nevysvětlil jsi to.

ENG: Because you are Czech, I will describe it in our language first. You didn't write down what the problem was with that. Maybe it would be appropriate to tell people here, specifically what the problem was. I admit, I didn't know it at all from this and even from the discussion at the discord. So no one could help you. Describe specifically what was the cause of the problem with your Centred + installation. Especially your last explanation about the cmd command is very misleading and tells us something we don't know anything about. You didn't explain it.
my problem was about the automatic closing of the cedserver program ,

I finally created a batch file with the command "cmd / k" and then the path of the file, in doing so I was able to see which error was causing the closure. Finally I solved it by taking some .mul files from an older version of the latest online.

This should work for first map for any other you need to update width and height in blocks and prefix so for map2 it's 2 etc...

You can find sizes here: Start and server setup - CentrEd+ - Quintessence

Also I'm keeping files I'm editing inside ced+ server directory hence short file paths. Don't use the same files for reading and writing. Ced server needs separate copy of the files.
AsYlum, did you manage to edit map0 from the latest .uop maps files? So exactly, those that have a size of 89,965,544 bits?
So I tested it, and it can be done. So I take the question back. and further:

Hmm, I probably have positive information for everyone who would like to create a shard with UO version 7.0.90. So the latest UO version. I'm still testing it, but it looks like I can edit all the files. The only one that cannot be is Multicolection.uop. But, if I don't use client 7.0.90 and replace it with 7.0.35, the older client can load all the new files. Maps, Arty, Gumpy, Tiledata and so on. And by loading the old multis file format, you can also use your own constructions in multis files. But as I say, I'm still testing it. But it looks very promising. This way I would be able to use everything from the new versions of UO.
I even managed to copy using radmapcopy map0. But I had to adjust the size of the map in ini. But it works. Which is good.
I don't use ced+ much but I've managed to run it and did few changes in files. So far it looks like it just works.