Clean up the world, use this script to clean up all the items and monsters in the world, but how to modify this file promise not to clean players ' houses and items in the House? Seeking advice!

using System;
using System.IO;
using Server;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.Net;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Commands;

namespace Server.Commands
public class WorldItemWipeCommand
public static void Initialize()
Register( "清理世界", AccessLevel.Administrator, new CommandEventHandler( Clearall_OnCommand ) );

public static void Register( string command, AccessLevel access, CommandEventHandler handler )
CommandSystem.Register( command, access, handler );

[Usage( "清理世界" )]
[Description( "Clear all facets." )]
public static void Clearall_OnCommand( CommandEventArgs e )
Mobile from = e.Mobile;
DateTime time = DateTime.Now;

int countItems = 0;
int countMobs = 0;
ArrayList itemsdel = new ArrayList();

foreach ( Item itemdel in World.Items.Values )
if ( itemdel.Parent == null )
itemsdel.Add( itemdel );
countItems +=1;

foreach ( Mobile mobdel in World.Mobiles.Values )
if ( !mobdel.Player )
itemsdel.Add( mobdel );
countMobs +=1;

foreach ( object itemdel2 in itemsdel )
if(itemdel2 is Item) ((Item)itemdel2).Delete();
if(itemdel2 is Mobile) ((Mobile)itemdel2).Delete();


double totalTime = ( ( DateTime.Now - time ).TotalSeconds );
from.SendMessage( "{0} items removed. {1} mobs removed. Took {2} seconds!", countItems, countMobs, totalTime );
I think one possible way to do this would be in
foreach ( Item itemdel in World.Items.Values )
if ( itemdel.Parent == null )
itemsdel.Add( itemdel );
countItems +=1;

Maybe add another "if" statement under the if ( itemdel.Parent == null ) to check if itemdel is a house or an item contained in a house region, and only do itemsdel.Add if it isn't.
I think one possible way to do this would be in
foreach ( Item itemdel in World.Items.Values )
if ( itemdel.Parent == null )
itemsdel.Add( itemdel );
countItems +=1;

Maybe add another "if" statement under the if ( itemdel.Parent == null ) to check if itemdel is a house or an item contained in a house region, and only do itemsdel.Add if it isn't.
Thanks a lot, this problem has been solved, thank you so much for your help!