On Discord recently, I mentioned that I kept getting DC'd in Serpent's Hold and Sidle said the same thing. Apparently this is a bug with certain clients (maybe all clients...?) and Serpent's Hold (Fel & Tram).

I discovered an issue with two itemIDs that were part of a custom addon build that was placed, frozen and causing everyone to disconnect when they got too close. Clients will just crash with no warning and no error messages. After replacing them with itemIDs 234 and 240, no more disconnects.

itemIDs in question:
201 - 0x00C9
202 - 0x00CB

One is a regular stone wall and the other is an arrow loop.
Spot in Serpent's Hold is as you get closer to the keep, near where the ground is burned from a fire pit it looks like.
Using Xmlfind, I did not locate those itemIDs anywhere else on my 'shard, so they might already be frozen.

Update: Xuri on Discord was able to demonstrate that this might be specific to ServUO, as they were able to drop three of these items near them without crashing.

GitHub Bug Submission:

Update 2: This could be caused by switching over to UOP in ServUO. Pub 57 does not have this issue, so anyone with a client using just MULs might have the same problem, like me. :p
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*waves* Hi, Mil!

Oh, I see..that explains why I couldn't find the Bug forum anymore. I'll Copy/Paste it there :D

In other news, Murph could stand to add a few *more* smileys...None of these conveyed my feelings properly. :p