Find this line in BaseVendor.cs
public virtual bool IsActiveBuyer { get { return IsActiveVendor && !Siege.SiegeShard; } } // response to vendor SELL

and change it to

public virtual bool IsActiveBuyer { get { return false; } } // response to vendor SELL

For the peerless key... I haven't tested it but it looks like if you comment out these lines in the [Constructable] section of PeerlessKey.cs the timer will never begin for peerless keys.

            if (Lifespan > 0)
                m_Lifespan = Lifespan;
Hi-jacking this thread as a method to not post again, im getting an incredibly high amount of error's with x does not implement inherited abstract memeber 'baseaddondeed.addon.get' any clue as to why this is?

edit: mind you this is happening on a completely base version of serv uo publish 57.
You downloaded it, compiled and ran it, and you get those errors with no changes made?

That error isn't specific enough to figure out without seeing examples and figuring out what changed to make it happen.