I've been a bad server owner even going as far as to give the server away to the best candidate as I could never feel satisfied with my work or the state of the server. I stopped making servers public when the community got mad at me. Now im to the point where I'm finally happy with my server and custom map! The problem now is I need to build all kinds of more stuff like the custom map has 36 LARGE dungeons layouts and a large fel map full of continents once i realized how much work i need to put into it i just gave up but im slowly getting back into it now. If anyone wants to help build dungeons with me I will open up my local server to the internet for you to join while im running it. Ask me anything about my server I dont really wanna go into too much detail but yeah its really cool even has a custom system for jewelry which is going to be so awesome the shard itself is very promising and i think it will gather a large player base when its done but like a said... so much work to be done! I think ill get cracking tonight after a music production session. Anyone wanna join and help out? if I do this alone it might take years to finish.

My server is dope in its current state I even updated security it has a lot of cool custom things you can do kinda like a less restriction more freedom feeling I honestly need to go through and make a list of all the features and start a wiki to explain everything. I might do that tonight... XD
Howdy! I've been working on a shard project of my own, focusing on new quests, new skill revamps, new items, new bosses/champ spawns, new monsters (including a random monster generation system), etc. Basically, everything except a custom map (which I really want!). I publish all my stuff here, so your free to grab it and take what you want but I would love to build something together and coordinate!

My Shard:
Shards of Minax

Our Discord:
Join the The World of Maxxia Discord Server!
lol servers are never done. I still have mine since 2003 always evolving changing adding improving. So ya 21 years custom maps, custom animations, custom art files, custom gumps, custom systems custom everything and when you do it all on your own it does take years lol. Problem that you will run into is that people tend to take what you work on for their own and run off with it. Kinda why I just do it for fun and don't go public really anymore would like to but hard to just find players even to test everyone wants to just get ideas for their own servers which is fine just makes it harder to test things out but still fun.
lol servers are never done. I still have mine since 2003 always evolving changing adding improving. So ya 21 years custom maps, custom animations, custom art files, custom gumps, custom systems custom everything and when you do it all on your own it does take years lol. Problem that you will run into is that people tend to take what you work on for their own and run off with it. Kinda why I just do it for fun and don't go public really anymore would like to but hard to just find players even to test everyone wants to just get ideas for their own servers which is fine just makes it harder to test things out but still fun.
Im doing the same here, been working on a server for almost 2 years.. I decided to open it to the public, but realized after a few weeks that trying to manage a community along side creating content is near impossible... alone. Players constantly PMing you questions and "favors" gets overwhelming once you have 20+ people hitting you at the same time, leaves no room for coding.. building, ect. So i closed the doors again, I allow anyone who wants to play in, but no auto account. The problem with custom servers is people get overwhelmed with a new map, and new content.. instead of just going out and exploring like they did the 1st time they logged into normal UO.. they need their hands held.. So I decided to go back and start making quests and rumor NPCs that point to new content, its taking alot of time.. but.. hopefully in the the end, when a new player logs in.. they will have plenty of direction.
Im doing the same here, been working on a server for almost 2 years.. I decided to open it to the public, but realized after a few weeks that trying to manage a community along side creating content is near impossible... alone. Players constantly PMing you questions and "favors" gets overwhelming once you have 20+ people hitting you at the same time, leaves no room for coding.. building, ect. So i closed the doors again, I allow anyone who wants to play in, but no auto account. The problem with custom servers is people get overwhelmed with a new map, and new content.. instead of just going out and exploring like they did the 1st time they logged into normal UO.. they need their hands held.. So I decided to go back and start making quests and rumor NPCs that point to new content, its taking alot of time.. but.. hopefully in the the end, when a new player logs in.. they will have plenty of direction.
I've found having a community is actually a huge help in development, they find bugs I would have not noticed. And they help each other out playing the game, if someone has a question 9 times out of 10 I dont need to be the one to answer it.

But I don't have a live server yet, I just let anyone download it and play on their own PC. So I don't have anyone begging me for "favors" or to fix their character that was messed up by a bug. They can just log into admin and do that themselves. I don't want to launch a live server until I am done with all of the content I want to make, because I assume managing the community will take a lot
Ya its great having people find bugs and stuff I would love to have that problem is i dont have a dedicated machine to have it run 24/7 and its hard finding people who want to actually test things lol
Howdy! I've been working on a shard project of my own, focusing on new quests, new skill revamps, new items, new bosses/champ spawns, new monsters (including a random monster generation system), etc. Basically, everything except a custom map (which I really want!). I publish all my stuff here, so your free to grab it and take what you want but I would love to build something together and coordinate!

My Shard:
Shards of Minax

Our Discord:
Join the The World of Maxxia Discord Server!
have you a way to add spawners randomly to the map? that would be a huge help for me as i made a tram sized map. i posted it if you want to try it out and maybe use it even includes a lot of buildings for a city. i might boot up the server later and see if i can get claude to code me up a random spawner system based on region and tile type... like... make it let me define which region is what then tell it the type of land tile to place spawners on etc. im pretty burnt out right now cant wait to go home.