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Ultima Expansion
Is there a system for RUNUO that would allow me to do this exceptionally quick from ingame?
If you want an item to also have a deed form, you would need to create a second constructable in the item script. The Addons are an example you can use to get started. Otherwise, there is no standard command to turn any item into a deed, at least that I know of. You would have to create a new system and command for that.
It's not clear what you mean by "turning items into deeds", a use case example would also be helpful
Your very right, apologies for my lack of verbiage and examples.
example: on my GM i make a kryss with green hue and slayer ability and its vanq. Name it something fancy, how can i make that item a deed? I had this set up as a child over a decade ago but I cant find the script online or remember exactly what its called. Much like addon generator, maybe it WAS the addongen I was using?