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If this thread is to report an inaccuracy with ServUO's systems please tell us to the best of your ability why you believe so:
The old guild system has multiple issues with it. I'll list what I know here:

1. When you attempt to leave the guild, there should be a prompt asking you if you are sure that you wish to resign from this guild.

2. If you attempt to move the guild stone for a guild in the same house that it already exists, it does not work and gives the message, "only one guild stone may reside in a given house." An exception should be made for the house of which the stone is currently in.

3. When a guild is created, the guild abbreviation is set to "None" by default. I believe after asking for a guild name, it is supposed to prompt you for the abbreviation this way players don't run around with "None" guilds.

Please paste any relative online material that will help prove the inaccuracy:
Due to the old nature of the content I was unable to provide a demonstration or find any supporting material. These issues are quite intuitive however.