Hello everyone, was wondering if anyone ever heard or seen (besides me and some of my family) a script that is based on mobs called "malaugrym" mobs. Tho the mobs are EXTREMELY Uber i intend on editing them down to the levels that best suit our server. But the script is worth every pain staking minute of the search to find it. Anyone that can help me find this, i would once again be greatly appreciative. I am currently checking all 157pages of RunUO lol as well as sending pms out to a few others who i know , that have seen this script. Anyhow thanks for any input.
I know that script! And i have it saved at home (i think). Tough mobs on the Dark Crusaders shard. good shard too.
I'll try to remember to send it when I get home

I believe it was under Script support rather than custom script releases. probably why you couldn't find it
This is one of the mobs i believe

From the looks of it aswel it uses the special abilities pack that i posted on here


This just seem to be a mobile so it won't have any of the items or drops etc.
using System;
using Server;
using Server.Items;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Server.Mobiles
    [CorpseName( "a Dracolich corpse" )]
    public class MalDracolich : BaseSpecialCreature
        public MalDracolich () : base( AIType.AI_Mage, FightMode.Closest, 10, 1, 0.2, 0.4 )
            Name = "a Malaugrym Dracolich";
            Body = 104;
            BaseSoundID = 0x488;
            Hue = 0;

            SetStr( 100, 175 );
            SetDex( 68, 200 );
            SetInt( 300, 466 );

            SetHits( 2200, 4567 );

            SetDamage( 35, 50 );

            SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Physical, 75 );
            SetDamageType( ResistanceType.Fire, 25 );

            SetResistance( ResistanceType.Physical, 75, 80 );
            SetResistance( ResistanceType.Fire, 40, 60 );
            SetResistance( ResistanceType.Cold, 40, 60 );
            SetResistance( ResistanceType.Poison, 70, 80 );
            SetResistance( ResistanceType.Energy, 40, 60 );

            SetSkill( SkillName.EvalInt, 80.1, 100.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.Magery, 80.1, 200.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.MagicResist, 100.3, 130.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.Tactics, 97.6, 100.0 );
            SetSkill( SkillName.Wrestling, 97.6, 100.0 );

            Fame = 22500;
            Karma = -22500;

            VirtualArmor = 45;

        public override void GenerateLoot()
            AddLoot( LootPack.FilthyRich, 2 );



        public override void OnDamage( int amount, Mobile from, bool willKill )
            base.OnDamage( amount, from, willKill );
            if (Body == 104 && Hits < 400)
                        BodyValue = 26;
                Hits = 2000;
                Hue = 16385;

            if( willKill )
                if( from == null || from.Deleted || from.Backpack == null || from.Backpack.Deleted )
                Item item = from.Backpack.FindItemByType(typeof(HuntStone));
                if (item == null || item.Deleted)
                    from.AddToBackpack( new HuntStone() );
                if (item != null)
                    ((HuntStone)item).MalHunted = ((HuntStone)item).MalHunted+1 ;
                    if (((HuntStone)item).MalHunted >= 31)
                            ((HuntStone)item).MalHunted = 1;

        public override void OnDeath (Container c )
            if( 50 > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                c.DropItem( new DeathEssence (Utility.RandomMinMax(0,2)));
                c.DropItem( new LifeEssence (Utility.RandomMinMax(0,2)));
                c.DropItem( new MalaugEssence (Utility.RandomMinMax(0,2)));
                c.DropItem( new ShadowEssence (Utility.RandomMinMax(0,2)));
                c.DropItem( new ColdforgedSteel (Utility.RandomMinMax(0,15)));

            if( 5 > Utility.Random( 100 ) )
                                switch ( Utility.Random(4 ))
                            case 0: c.DropItem( new Spelldisc() ); break;
                            case 1: c.DropItem( new PhaerimKey() ); break;
                            case 2: c.DropItem( new MordrunKey() ); break;
                            case 3: c.DropItem( new TharbouldKey() ); break;

            base.OnDeath( c );

        public override bool ReacquireOnMovement{ get{ return true; } }

        public virtual bool DoesMultiFirebreathing { get { return true; } }
            public virtual double MultiFirebreathingChance { get { return 1.000; } }
            public virtual int BreathDamagePercent { get { return 40; } }
            public virtual int BreathMaxTargets { get { return 3; } }
            public virtual int BreathMaxRange { get { return 7; } }
            public override bool HasBreath { get { return DoesMultiFirebreathing; } }
        public override int BreathEffectHue{ get{ return 2142; } }

        public override double BonusPetDamageScalar{ get{ return (Core.SE)? 6.0 : 1.0; } }

        public override bool AutoDispel{ get{ return true; } }
        public override Poison PoisonImmune{ get{ return Poison.Lethal; } }
        public override bool BleedImmune{ get{ return true; } }

        public MalDracolich( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

        public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
            base.Serialize( writer );
            writer.Write( (int) 0 );

        public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
            base.Deserialize( reader );
            int version = reader.ReadInt();

I don't see why you would want to use this system as a base its just a super beefed up mobile that doesn't do a great deal.. With a little bit of imagination and some basic scripting abilities you can make something which will surpass this is so many ways.

Anyways here it is tho
@Rochaven - there you go!

@Omni - agreed the Draco doesn't do much, one of the easiest Mal's on Dark Crusaders. I was inspired by this script though and made fairly scary set of mobs. It's tied into my personal server that I'm slowly working on and hoping to go public with later this year.