I copied the Whirlwind special ability class and reversed the logic so that it acts like Axe's special "Counter Helix" move (every time the axe wielding player is hit there is a chance to counter attack nearby mobs). The code works perfectly when I paste the following in the "OnGaveMeleeAttack" method in BaseCreature.cs:

public virtual void OnGaveMeleeAttack(Mobile defender)
            #region Counter Helix        
            Skill skill = defender.Skills[SkillName.Lumberjacking];        
   if (defender.Weapon is BaseAxe && Utility.Random(120) <= ((int)(skill.Value)))
                ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

                BaseWeapon weapon = defender.Weapon as BaseWeapon;

                foreach (Mobile m in defender.GetMobilesInRange(1))

                ArrayList targets = new ArrayList();           

                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i)
                    Mobile m = (Mobile)list[i];

                    if (m != defender && m != defender && SpellHelper.ValidIndirectTarget(defender, m))

                        if (m == null || m.Deleted || m.Map != defender.Map || !m.Alive || !defender.CanSee(m) || !defender.CanBeHarmful(m))

                        if (!defender.InRange(m, weapon.MaxRange))

                        if (defender.InLOS(m))

                if (targets.Count > 0)

                    for (int i = 0; i < targets.Count; ++i)
                        Mobile m = (Mobile)targets[i];

                        m.FixedEffect(0xf49, 10, 15);

                        weapon.OnHit(defender, m);                  

            Poison p = HitPoison;

I separated the above code into its own script (1st code below in CounterHelix.cs) to keep the BaseCreature file as clean as possible; however, I am having trouble calling on the method (2nd code posted below). Visual studio says I need overloads. I researched online and I believe this is calling on method when the signatures are different (correct me if I am wrong) and it hasn't taken a number of combinations of overloads. Thanks in advance.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using Server.Spells;

namespace Server.Items
    /// <summary>
    /// A godsend to a warrior surrounded, the Whirlwind Attack allows the fighter to strike at all nearby targets in one mighty spinning swing.
    /// </summary>
    public class CounterHelix : WeaponAbility
        public CounterHelix()

        public override int BaseMana
                return 0;
        public override void OnHit(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damage)
            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

            BaseWeapon weapon = defender.Weapon as BaseWeapon;

            attacker.FixedEffect(0x3728, 10, 15);
            //Effects.SendMovingEffect(defender, m, 0xf49, 7, 0, false, false,1,0);

            foreach (Mobile m in defender.GetMobilesInRange(1))

            ArrayList targets = new ArrayList();

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i)
                Mobile m = (Mobile)list[i];

                if (m != defender && m != defender && SpellHelper.ValidIndirectTarget(defender, m))

                    if (m == null || m.Deleted || m.Map != defender.Map || !m.Alive || !defender.CanSee(m) || !defender.CanBeHarmful(m))

                    if (!defender.InRange(m, weapon.MaxRange))

                    if (defender.InLOS(m))

           if (targets.Count > 0)
               int CounterHelixDamage = defender.Str / 2;

               for (int i = 0; i < targets.Count; ++i)
                   Mobile m = (Mobile)targets[i];

                   defender.SendMessage("Counter Helix Damage:" + CounterHelixDamage.ToString());
                   m.SendMessage("Hit with Counter Helix for:" + CounterHelixDamage.ToString());               

                   AOS.Damage(m, CounterHelixDamage, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0);

OnGaveMeleeAttack in base creature
public virtual void OnGaveMeleeAttack(Mobile defender)
            #region Counter Helix        
            Skill skill = defender.Skills[SkillName.Lumberjacking];        

            if (defender.Weapon is BaseAxe && Utility.Random(120) <= ((int)(skill.Value)))
                CounterHelix CH = new CounterHelix();
You don't need an overload: you only need to change the method call.

The method definition is
public override void OnHit(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damage)
So, it needs an attacker, a defender and a damage amount.

If you don't provide those informations, how can your script apply the damage? from who? against who?

You need to modify the call as follow:
public virtual void OnGaveMeleeAttack(Mobile defender)
           #region Counter Helix       
           Skill skill = defender.Skills[SkillName.Lumberjacking];      

           if (defender.Weapon is BaseAxe && Utility.Random(120) <= ((int)(skill.Value)))
                CounterHelix CH = new CounterHelix();
                CH.OnHit(attacker, defender, 0);

The amount of damage taken by the defender isn't used by your script, but you need to provide it to match the method signature.
I don't know if what are you trying to do is correct (CounterHelix isn't used as weapon ability in this context...).
Maybe is better to define the custom logic into a separate script and call that wherever you need it.