There is a question here, I promise! I made some new savages, and hue'd them to new colors. I added new berries as loot plus a couple of other things as loot drops to make the new paint. I added to defalchemy, defcooking, and defglassblowing, so they can make them. (Just using berries and flour and cooking was boring lol)

Everything works great! I can loot the items needed, can craft the needed things to craft the paint, and I can put on the paint and the skin changes to the new hue perfectly. So, now for the problem and my question......when the server shuts down and comes back up, the skin color changes to the standard tribal paint white. I did not change the savagekinpaint timer in the new paints or the player mobile due to thinking that it is just the timer and the skin would go back after 7 days or after fighting the new savages. Obviously that did not work. I looked through the playermobile and the only thing I found for hue was huemod -1 which is not the huemod when wearing the tribal paint. Everything that I looked at seemed to just refer to the timer but I must be wrong. What am I over looking?
I cannot find what controls the hue when a character logs in. I added a lava paint to my server and when using it, I turn the correct color but when the server shuts down and restarts, my character looks like he is wearing tribal paint and not my new lava paint. I looked in and edited the playermobile.cs but with no luck. Is there another script I should be looking at?