Hey guys and gals!

so im new to the community and was wondering, i keep trying to enter into the chat how ever it never works, also when i try to connect externally it still doesn't work. is it down?

i would like to try to get some help and i figured that i could just ask some one in the chat, rather than the forums.

im totally new to C# and would love to figure out how to change some scripting around in order to customize things as much as possible. starting with the beginning of the game. how the players get straight into the action.

but one thing at a time, so whats the deal with the chat? Btw i did a search and one post came up saying that it was fixed in June 2014.
@dmurphy I've just set up a QuakeNet IRC room with the following details. Quakenet has been around for aaaages and they're a pretty huge server.

Server: [redacted]
Port: [redacted]
Room: [redacted]

Let me know when you're in there so I can add you as the channel owner and remove myself. Or if you want me to delete this message and the room entirely if you're planning on doing something else! Just figured that it's been down for 2 weeks, may as well start it up somewhere!

edit: See message below
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