so i am wanting to make the snow globes have a random hue but i am not seeing in the script what the hue would be i added one for our server but how can i make them have random hues and were would i put it
Well, the globes are inheriting the values from the following classes.

Item => SnowGlobe => SnowGlobeOne

The "virtual!" property you looking for is on line 3857 in the "/Server/Item.cs" file.

        [Hue, CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)]
        public virtual int Hue
            get { return m_Hue; }
                if (m_Hue != value)
                    m_Hue = value;


You could make your own enums "Scripts/Items/Decorative/SnowGlobes.cs" or add a function like it is done for ninja colors on line 668 in character creation. "/Scripts/Misc/CharacterCreation.cs" or even add an own utility class with your colors in "Server/Utility.cs" examples from line 974 and forward.
