Some years ago when I was fresh-faced and terribly green behind the ears, I was first introduced to the concept of building using Pandora. Now, I sorta was left to explore things a little, so it was mostly a self-learning experience, but my memory of it sticks somewhat. It was my first custom-area creation and I had zero idea about the tile function or very much at all on Pandora. So, I ended creating, what I remember to be a 100 x 100 tile radius (roughly) placing every tile individually and then hueing each one with a cycling tub (With shade variation and z axis alteration for the illusion of depth and shadow .) Needless to say, it took quite some time to do! :p

Anyway, it made me wonder, have any of you have similar such embarrassing experiences of your first steps into working behind the scenes in UO? If so, please feel free to share. :D
Oh I can remember those days well and as you stated placing each tile and each wall along with each roof tile, but yet I loved it :) I would watch this one person who was a natural at building and ask him a million questions about pandora's and how he did this, he was prob wishing to use [kick on me ha! But those learning days I still think were awesome and push myself to find new ways and designs when I can.
I remember those days as well and when you wanted to do a roof you put one tile down and another on top of it and moved over one each time. I remember also just covering up old walls learning to decorate and build in pol shard...the days of building I too am grateful like milva for the one person who let me follow him as he was building...great days and continuing....
....oh, the many hours wasted on someone else's shard using a Yard Wand to decorate as far around my house as I could possibly see. :rolleyes: