
i edited \Scripts\Gumps\WhoGump.cs with:

CommandSystem.Register("Who", AccessLevel.Player, new CommandEventHandler(WhoList_OnCommand));
CommandSystem.Register("WhoList", AccessLevel.Player, new CommandEventHandler(WhoList_OnCommand))

Changing the accesslevel, so that all players can use it for messaging and seeing who is online. Unfortunately there is a second menu in this gump, and now players can "get" and "go" to other players on botton click and see properties :p

How can i change this, that they only can use the "Who-gump" for MESSAGING and SHOWING who is online? My intension was that when a player logs in he can check if his buddies are online too :)
There are some options:

1: Knives chat system.
-pros: you can chat on side, you can message people online or not.
-cons: i personally don't like it.

2: Making your own gump for player messaging (associated with a command).
-pros: you have full control over what can be done or not, and if you make it yourself, you will learn more coding habits.
-cons: players need to know how to use it, and there could be eventual bugs associated with that.

3: Edit ClientGump and find where "from.accesslevel < targ.accesslevel" is and add another condition for "from.accesslevel != accesslevel.player".
-pros: you get what you first wanted.
-cons: see the client version, account name, position i think, and all things people should not see.

There could be some other solutions for this though.
Could you elaborate on the system you want?
hi, i tried knive chat, but i got errors while compiling and at the moment iam not good enough in scripting to solve :D
maybe i will try it a second time, sounds easier than the other options.
I think there is a newer version of the knives chat on here, if you have any errors would you mind posting them so we can see?