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Account Deposit Box 1.2

First release
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I have Always wanted an account use only bank box but couldn't get it to work like the regular banks. After alot of trial and errors I have decided to go an easier drop and drag route.

You just place these chest's around banks or designated account banks. Keep in mind only one account box per... account, and cannot be used by anyone else.
Player Buys use of the Account Chest for 50k for 1 month.When that month is up, a Renewal Gump will be presented on next use of the Chest.If the player does not have the money in the bank to Renew, Everything will be put in the players BankBox. and the chest will be reset.
Access Level Seer and up can look inside for security reasons(bad items and whatnot)

Oh yeah... This Chest also has a weight limit of 1200 stones.

How To Install: Drop into your customs folder and re/start the server and...

Version 1.1 Changes
-Confirmation Gump
-Name Properties
-Added a couple more checks
Version 1.2 Changes
  • Renewal Gump
  • DateTime Checks
  • Check for players BankBox weight/item amount and figure out what to do if the bank is full or close to full.
(Possibly find a way to distribute the items to the next available player character on that account, if there is one.)
  • More Testing.

Latest Updates

  1. Rentable Account Deposit Box

    /* _________________________ =(__ ___ ___ _)= | Scripted By...
  2. Account Deposit Box

    Changes: -Confirmation Gump -Name Properties -Added a couple more checks If Something isn't...

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