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Archery Butte that Shows Where Arrow and Bolts Hit (Script and Graphics) 2.0

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This download includes modified Archery Butte graphics and a modified ArcheryButteAddon.cs script that allow Archery Buttes to physically show where an arrow or bolt hits. This works for both arrows and bolts, and for both facings. Once the bolts and arrows are gathered, the graphic switches back to the original Archery Butte graphic. I also included the individual arrow/bolt graphics in case anyone want to modify this further.

You will need to replace ArcheryButteAddon.cs with this modified version, and add the graphics to your client. I am using RunUO, but the script should work with ServUO. If not, let me know.

I had previously added similar graphics for the Archery Butte, but some of the shading was off, some of the graphics were a bit off, and I had not modified the script. I have fixed this and thought the changes, and addition of a modified script, merited an entirely new resource rather than updating the old one.

Adding this will require adding the graphics to your client, as well as making some edits to the script itself. Once the graphics are added to the client you will need to edit the following lines and change the ItemIDs to the ItemIDs you used to add the graphics (I have included more specific instructions in the script with each line):

Line 44: Replace all ItemIDs in this line with the ItemIDs of all East Facing graphics for Arrows and Bolts. Leave 0x100A as it is. It is the ItemID of the original East Facing blank Archery Butte graphic:

// Change all ItemIDs (except 0x100A) to the ItemIDs of all East Facing ItemIDs
            get{ return ( ItemID == 0x100A || ItemID == 0x7898 || ItemID == 0x7899  || ItemID == 0x789A || ItemID == 0x789B || ItemID == 0x789C || ItemID == 0x78A2 || ItemID == 0x78A3 || ItemID == 0x78A4 || ItemID == 0x78A5 || ItemID == 0x78A6 ); }

Miss Target:
Line 220
Line 222
Line 228
Line 230

Line 258
Line 260
Line 266
Line 268

Inner Ring
Line 283
Line 285
Line 291
Line 293

Middle Ring
Line 306
Line 308
Line 315
Line 317

Outer Ring
Line 330
Line 332
Line 339
Line 341

Please let me know if you encounter any bugs or other issues and I will fix them.

Archery Butte.png

Latest Updates

  1. Updated Version

    I found an error in the original ArcheryButteAddon.cs script. The new download includes a fixed...

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