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Colored Equipment Names 0.57.2

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This will allow you to have armor, clothing, weapons and Jewelry with colored names based on the amount of attributes and props.

I probably wont add quivers, talisman & spellbooks to this.

An alternative verison is included for people who want to use pre-aos and or a hybrid of pre-aos and aos attributes and properties.

If you want to use this version, only use the files inside the PreAOS + HybridPreAos folder. Basic instructions were added to the Information.txt inside that folder.

1. You can change the number of different colors simply by adding another if value check.

if (values >= 300)
return "<BASEFONT COLOR=#FF944D>";
else if (values >= 250)
return "<BASEFONT COLOR=#FF66FF>";
else if (values >= 200)
return "<BASEFONT COLOR=#B48FFF>";

2. You can change the color that is assigned for each rank of values by using html color codes.
// This would be a pure black color
return "<BASEFONT COLOR=#000000 >";
// This would be a pure white color
Notice how you only have to change the 6 digits after #

3. There are two ways you can change the color range.
One - Change the values > = number
Two - go through and change how much is added to value

4. You can use seperate colors for items with Artifact Rarity by changing
bool useartifactrarity = false;
bool useartifactrarity = true;

You can change the color range for Artifact Rarity by changing
the item.ArtifactRarity <= number
by adding another similar if statement. You'll need to add the proper if/else if statement in the GetArmorItemValue method if you add another rarityvalues.

===Extra notes===
Shields inherits basearmor so their name color gets applied from that.
Balanced property is missing from WeaponItemProps.cs
value & values are not exactly the same thing despite their similar wording.

Lord Graywolf
Nockar [Link: [RunUO 2.0] Colored Item Name Properties]
RoninGT [Link: Gearscore Script]
Ki Frost

First release
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Latest Updates

  1. Colored Equipment Names v0.57.2

    - Added the text for Defense for preaos/hybridpreaos version so that it will display when an...
  2. Colored Equipment Names v0.57.1

    -Added an alternative verison for people who want to use pre-aos and or a hybrid of pre-aos and...
  3. Colored Equipment Names v0.56

    - Fixed a spacing mistake in the instructions
  4. Colored Equipment Names v0.55

    -Added support for Artifact Rarity based name colors.
  5. Colored Equipment Names v0.51

    - Fixed typos - added more information to Information.txt