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Custimable Vote Stone 2.0

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Vote stone can be edited in the game no need to do anything in the scripts.
[VoteRewardGump these so you can work on the gump why having the settings open just refresh gump to see changes as you change them.

You can change gump size
You can change the text
You can move the gump buttons around
You can move the gump text around
You can change the item it gives
You can turn off rewards for voting
You can change vote site URL
You can Change name on it
You can change color of the msgs it gives
You can change the msgs it gives when double clicked
You can disable it

It is all customizable in-game no need to do anything in the scripts

Report all bugs and any feed back would be great

It also has its own save settings so nothing gets lost.
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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