A setting similar to the current online game
First, we need the serbo level system & Colored Equipment Names v0.57.2
Then, edit our baseweapon, basejewel.cs, basearmor.cs
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public override void GetProperties(ObjectPropertyList list)
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First, we need the serbo level system & Colored Equipment Names v0.57.2

Serbo Level System
Back at it and making updates to an old level system I put together: http://www.runuo.com/community/threads/runuo-2-2-nerun-distro-serbo-level-system-lvl-sys-3-update.529259/ This has been updated for the latest main version and is a clean...

Colored Equipment Names - Updates

Then, edit our baseweapon, basejewel.cs, basearmor.cs
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public override void GetProperties(ObjectPropertyList list)
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int values = ItemNameHue.JewelItemProps.CheckJewel(this);
int levelvalue = values/7;
if (levelvalue != null)
//list.Add(1153213, levelvalue.ToString());
list.Add("<BASEFONT COLOR=#FF00FF>Level Need:{0}<BASEFONT COLOR=#FFFFFF>", levelvalue.ToString());
int values = ItemNameHue.ArmorItemProps.CheckArmor(this);
int levelvalue = values/7;
if (levelvalue != null)
//list.Add(1153213, levelvalue.ToString());
list.Add("<BASEFONT COLOR=#FF00FF>Level Need:{0}<BASEFONT COLOR=#FFFFFF>", levelvalue.ToString());
int values = ItemNameHue.WeaponItemProps.CheckWeapon(this);
int levelvalue = values/9;
if (levelvalue != null)
//list.Add(1153213, levelvalue.ToString());
list.Add("<BASEFONT COLOR=#FF00FF>Level Need:{0}<BASEFONT COLOR=#FFFFFF>", levelvalue.ToString());
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public override bool CanEquip(Mobile from)
if (from.IsPlayer())
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public override bool CanEquip(Mobile from)
if (!Ethics.Ethic.CheckEquip(from, this))
return false;
if (from.IsPlayer())
int values = ItemNameHue.ArmorItemProps.CheckArmor(this);
int levelvalue = values/7;
PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)from;
if (pm.Level < levelvalue)
pm.SendMessage("Insufficient level, unable to equip.");
return false;
public override bool CanEquip(Mobile from)
if (BlessedBy != null && BlessedBy != from)
from.SendLocalizedMessage(1075277); // That item is blessed by another player.
return false;
if (from.IsPlayer())
int values = ItemNameHue.JewelItemProps.CheckJewel(this);
int levelvalue = values/7;
PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)from;
if (pm.Level < levelvalue)
pm.SendMessage("Insufficient level, unable to equip.");
return false;
public override bool CanEquip(Mobile from)
if (!Ethic.CheckEquip(from, this))
return false;
if (from.IsPlayer())
int values = ItemNameHue.WeaponItemProps.CheckWeapon(this);
int levelvalue = values/9;
PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)from;
if (pm.Level < levelvalue)
pm.SendMessage("Insufficient level, unable to equip.");
return false;