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Karavoc's Boomstick V3

First release
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(boomstick V1)
so i figured since we have pirates and we have cannons we might as well have guns.

What is it - A new firearm that uses a black staff and ammo to add a new range

Install - Drag and drop it should work fine

this includes
  • The Boomstaff
  • a Based ranged firearm
  • the ammo
  • 4 Bandoliers - 250,500,750 & 1k (holds the amount in its name)
  • a Bandolier (Still Working out bugs, can't open it)
  • parts for upgrades
Future Plans -
  1. edit based Ranged firearm to have spent cases fall to the ground on fire
  2. add a "Reloading" system
  3. Add custom art (my computer can't handle UO-fiddler right now)
  4. get the Bandolier to work
  5. add more Boom Toys (wand ect)
  6. Add a Magazine to the weapon EG - a Boom Stick with a 5 round magazine that would only fire the 5 charges then need to be reloaded
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Latest Updates

  1. Now with working Bando's

    Thanks to Po0ka & zerodowned for helping me with this update. the Bandolier's now work...
  2. Karavoc's Boomstick V2

    Now drops Spent cases (to be used in future updates) Bandolier (should) work properly now...

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