Random Magery Scrolls for Selling
This scripts adds randoms magery scrolls for selling at Magery Vendors.You can choose how many types of scrolls do you want to sell, how many ammount for each ones and wich cicles do you want.
Just replace the file: Scripts\VendorInfo\SBMage.cs for this one and recompile.
You need to change 2 things on code.
1) Line 96:
Retorno4 = RandomScroll(4, rnd.Next(2,4)); // RandomScroll(Circle, Amount) => Sorts Amount units of circle Circle.
The second param is how many different scrolls will be sell. This example, it will random between 2 and 3 differents scrolls from 4th circle.
If you want random from all Circles, just choose the number zero: 0
2) Line 100:
Add(new GenericBuyInfo(types[x.Key], 12 + (x.Value / (8 * 4)), rnd.Next(1,10), x.Value, 0, true));
Price that scrolls will be sell:
12 + (x.Value / (8 * 4))
Ammount of scrolls to sell:
You can change whatever you want and share. The only thing that I asks you is to not remove the credits.