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Skill Training Katanas 2017-06-26

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I first saw this idea on Alyssa Dark 's Dark Crusaders shard.
It was a fun shard that may be down for good.
I wrote this to emulate that item as close as possible.

All it really does is when attacking something with the weapon will cause whatever skill it's set to use instead of Swords ( unless of course you have it set to use swords )

Just use the instructions below to add the item with the selected skill.
Those instructions are also inside the script.

[add TrainingKatana <skillname or skillnumber>

[add TrainingKatana Alchemy or [add TrainingKatana 0 would both given a katana that trains Alchemy


Alchemy = 0, Anatomy = 1, AnimalLore = 2, ItemID = 3, ArmsLore = 4, Parry = 5, Begging = 6, Blacksmith = 7,
Fletching = 8, Peacemaking = 9, Camping = 10,
Carpentry = 11, Cartography = 12, Cooking = 13,
DetectHidden = 14, Discordance = 15, EvalInt = 16,
Healing = 17, Fishing = 18, Forensics = 19, Herding = 20, Hiding = 21, Provocation = 22, Inscribe = 23,
Lockpicking = 24, Magery = 25, MagicResist = 26,
Tactics = 27, Snooping = 28, Musicianship = 29,
Poisoning = 30, Archery = 31, SpiritSpeak = 32,
Stealing = 33, Tailoring = 34, AnimalTaming = 35,
TasteID = 36, Tinkering = 37, Tracking = 38,
Veterinary = 39, Swords = 40, Macing = 41, Fencing = 42, Wrestling = 43, Lumberjacking = 44, Mining = 45,
Meditation = 46, Stealth = 47, RemoveTrap = 48,
Necromancy = 49, Focus = 50, Chivalry = 51, Bushido = 52, Ninjitsu = 53, Spellweaving = 54, Mysticism = 55,
Imbuing = 56, Throwing = 57

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5.00 star(s) 1 ratings