Recent content by bestuo

  1. Knives Townhouses

    Hello Happy new year. 1 - Im using Knives townhouses, i have houses that cost a daily rent, but doesnt seem to work, it takes the money from playerbank right after the purchase then it doesnt take the rent price every again. Anyone having same issue? 2 - Also what file handles the...
  2. How can i...

    I forgot :oops: will do it now, haha thanks ! So u want me to add the Team = 66; in the stafflch script also publicvirtualbool IsFakePlayer{get{returntrue;}} // Am I considered a player by creatures? Then edit the basecreature and apply the last fix?
  3. How can i...

    I created a new lich, so it wont affect normal ones :p Annnnnnd i tried this, i tried griffon method, also what pooka said and still not working guys! but thanks so much for the replies This is surprising, you all should team up and create a ultima online server, would be sucessfull im...
  4. How can i...

    Very friendly and polite, i will test this as soon as i can and post here. Thank you. Just tested, lich still can attack players
  5. How can i...

    Well i created a staff that summons liches on hit, i wanted to avoid players from geting hit by those liches, thats why im asking if there was a way to make a certain creature ignore playermobiles / dont attack them
  6. How can i...

    i didnt check that one... i missed it, and will it attack other basecreatures?
  7. How can i...

    Hello servuo community Im customizing a monster, i want it to ignore players ive been checking scripts, the only thing ive found is the AlterMeleeDamageTo method i added it and changed to damage = 0; it still attacking players dealing 1 damage, so is there any method to ignore playermobiles?
  8. Treasure map increase guardian creatures amount

    Well i can create a copy of each creature that spawns in treasurechest and add them a timer, but im kinda lazy
  9. Treasure map increase guardian creatures amount

    Hehe, just click the cross [+] then , code and paste there the code :) Hmmmm after chest gets deleted guardians stay there, i wish they get removed too...
  10. Treasure map increase guardian creatures amount

    Thank you i will try that, you should use codes, to make it easy to read :P
  11. Treasure map increase guardian creatures amount

    I did yes, i changed to 3 min and it didnt got removed, i really dont feel like waiting 3hours :D. Im 99% sure i saved the changes hahaha :) Thank you
  12. Treasure map increase guardian creatures amount

    It doesnt uses Utc version :), it was default 3 hours , so i changed to 30 minutes, not sure why doesnt work private class DeleteTimer : Timer { private readonly Item m_Item; public DeleteTimer( Item item, DateTime time ) : base( time - DateTime.Now )...
  13. Treasure map increase guardian creatures amount

    Ahhh! im blind! Thank you i edited this: m_DeleteTime = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromMinutes( 30.0 ); Why chest doesnt get removed after 30 min?
  14. Treasure map increase guardian creatures amount

    Sorry for the stupid question, how to make treasuremaps spawn more creatures around? currently only 5 appear... wich are not too much. thanksssssss