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  • Creating an Ultima Resource website, PlayUO .org for all things Ultima. Will also include shard advertising :)
    Moving on.. Finally concentrating on building the shards in game content for live game play
    Still unable to convert a RunUO saved world.. Seems to be a wasted effort.
    Search for every items in the world, then dump all the properties in a txt file, same for mobiles, then you can create new items/mobiles, then set the properties you needed one by one, should be possible technically, not sure about how to display every attributes specific to subclasses tho.
    Yeeeeaahhh... I will get right on that ;)
    Rebuilding all in game content and finishing our custom world map. Hope to relaunch the Ancient Legends shard by mid 2015.
    I will surely want to visit it when it's ready :p
    If you are that interested, just ask me for the files and log in info :)
    RunUO to ServUO conversion completed. Officially running ServUO. *spoke too soon.. Save files are not compatible yet.
    August 19, 2014. Nearly 12 years having been a member of RunUO. I believe October 2002 I joined.
    Its Official! Currently converting my 12 year old RunUO shard over to ServUO!
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