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  • Preview of the Elven dress - Created on Sketchbook App

    Have not tested on UO Fiddler yet.
    Preview of Kurumi's Red Dress - Created on Sketchbook App

    Have not tested on UO Fiddler yet.

    So I decided to test AI's Capability of Recreating Gump Art For Armor, and after many Trials and Errors it produced this


    • image_2024-04-13_232915360.png
      20.2 KB · Views: 27
    Good! How did you do this?
    So there's a new AI Plugin for Krita, which is the Painting Program i've been switching over to, and I used my Gump templates and selected the Outline of the body only, so it can focus on creating around the body, i also had did a test of drawing a Low Quality sketch of armor it kept going way out of porportions. I am still doing a lot of early testing of this new system.
    So I reorganized my Ideas and Thoughts for all Game Assets Concepts, and just thought of lettings you all see it, Some of these are Implemented already in some of my content I've posted on here in the past. A lot of these have been seen in my updates in my Custom UO content as well. Some of these are Future Plans for some projects.

    I remember when I was just trying to impress only a single person. After they left I lost my inspiration to do my projects. I am thankful though I finally got my creative spark back.
    Trying to work on a new Gold Panning System, one that's going to be worth the time learning fully
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