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  • You get support via the support forums or sending a private message people. Not commenting on status posts.
    Finally moved into my new place with nice fast net. Will be working on the site over the next couple of days, sorry for being MIA.
    What kind do you need? Or how much would it cost?
    Eh, I've moved my dev computer to an easier to use spot. So I'll be using it to develop with hopefully. Although the laptop uses ddr3, and I will eventually upgrade it one of theses days to 4gb...or just replace this outdated laptop entirely.
    Anyone have 4gb of laptop memory to spare? Developing on the laptop is so much easier atm, but so painfully slow with 2gb of ram. :/
    Finally get some time to dedicate to ServUO since the move. Updating the project to match the RunUO svn updates atm. More stuff later. ;)
    Back to work on this chat system, plus a little addition or two to the gump framework.
    In the middle of writing a new chat system to replace Knives Chat forever. It will be included in the main repo when it's finished.
    is this chat system up yet ?
    I'm in the middle of building a new Knives Chat, it will be included in the repo when done. ;)
    Just wondering if you ever completed this.
    The core/guts is all done actually. The only part I didn't get around to finishing at the time was the gumps (this is what made me start redoing the gumps.) There are a few more tweaks/changes that need to be done to the gump class in order to support gumps that rely on Knive's old GumpPlus framework.
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