Kilra Yan
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12:38 PM
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  • Hi, I am interested in your script "exploring the deep". I hope I can find something in your script witch will help me to make my server more likely for my son. Or do you know a possibility to click on static crates and bookshelvs to get them open? ;)) Sorry about asking you and the bad english. For now I will thank you for the script!
    Kilra Yan
    It runs now...the only thing I commented is the "ShadowLordBlade" in the onHit Part, the 2nd param of scimitar is IDamageable, which I haven't expolered yet. When I finish the patch I will resend it to you.
    For now I am seeking the key for and a better New Heaven place.
    Thank you for your work it gave me the necessary push to better understand the concepts of the project.
    Cheers and a happy new year!
    Kilra Yan
    Kilra Yan
    Thank you! Best wishes back to you too and enjoy Etd module
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