Recent content by longtianchi

  1. I want NPC names and titles to use Cliloc files instead of strings. Who can solve this problem?

    I want NPC names and titles to use Cliloc files instead of strings. Who can solve this problem? I hope players in every country can see their own language.
  2. When a player rides a mount, what code changes the player's moving speed?

    IMountItem is the corresponding interface But it doesn't handle mounts. I am very upset. This question puzzled me for a long time. @Dexter_Lexia has helped me solve this problem. Thank you to everyone who helped me. There is a ComputeMovementSpeed method in the Mobil.cs This method judges...
  3. When a player rides a mount, what code changes the player's moving speed?

    I looked at the code and found the Rider function. But Rider function does not handle the code for ride actions. I read the code for EtherealMount and BaseMount. These base classes and interfaces did not find the ride action code When a player rides a mount, what code changes the player's moving...
  4. A very strange bug

    BaseFixedPoint is ok Why Base has bugs
  5. A very strange bug

    There's a strange bug in my code. M. Skills [skillID]. Base+ = Value; If value = 0.8 or some other values, it will fail. most of which can be successful. Value is valid in Skill's Base set function But his Set function in BaseFixedPoint will become 7 again. Who knows how to solve! I've...
  6. Help implementing Arena and Tournaments

    [ArenaSetup command management arena opens and closes The system itself has 4 venues. *\ServUO\Scripts\Services\PVP Arena System\Definitions.cs The file ArenaDefinition function has the specific location of the arena. Add a moongate to allow players to arrive. The system is not perfect. There is...
  7. Does anyone know the super razor?

    They are different! I know Razor Enhanced, but it's not satisfying enough for me. I said the super razor is based on the old razor to change itself to achieve the degree of cheating. For example, faster casting speed (part of magic can even achieve 2 times speed). Moving mouse to target will...
  8. Does anyone know the super razor?

    I'm redeveloping razors for my own server. It shields other tools which are not allowed and needs to join my own needs. I remember a super razor. Double click the player will show the player's attributes. Who has redeveloped razor, knows how to add it?
  9. What attribute is the location of equipment?

    Thank you very much for your answer.
  10. What attribute is the location of equipment?

    string filePath = Core.FindDataFile("tiledata.mul"); So the final data is in the client side, right?
  11. What attribute is the location of equipment?

    I want to make some special equipment. I need to know how the equipment is located in the corresponding position of the character's body.
  12. Disable Gargoyle / Elf Races(New)

    Oh, yes, I forgot to compile the new servuo.exe.. Thank you very much.
  13. Disable Gargoyle / Elf Races(New)

    No, I failed. The client still entered the game.
  14. Disable Gargoyle / Elf Races(New)

    Wrong Character pictures
  15. Disable Gargoyle / Elf Races(New)

    I raised this question again, and I have some new ideas. I saw The method is not applicable to me. I want to modify it from the server side. My goal is to ensure the integrity of the servuo system and not allow players to create...