Recent content by Ohgie

  1. Regarding your shard and quest popularity...

    My philosophy is that I want my players always having a sense of discovery and wonder. So many of today's players simply want to fly through a game to get to the "end game content" which is something I have never really understood as a motivation. It is the journey and experiencing what the...
  2. Creating a non PvP Server

    Thank you all! I think what Visam offered is great and I appreciate the insight that guild vs guild would still be doable (thanks Falkor). I am glad to find an active community willing to share wisdom! I hope I can contribute as I continue to learn and grow into this system.
  3. Creating a non PvP Server

    I am attempting to create a private server that has most of the pvp elements removed. I know it is not everyone's favorite choice to do so, but I feel I can add events, increased spawners, and frequent environmental changes to keep my players excited to keep exploring and playing. I welcome...
  4. Stuck in despise entrance

    I have a solution for you. In your ServeUO folder go into your Data folder and edit the TeleporterRegions.xml file. In TeleporterRegions.xml scroll down until you find this teleporter block (use the Find and 5588 to more quickly find it). Make sure you are looking at the Trammel settings and...