Recent content by Shootme

  1. Quick Hello

    Ok I got a compiled version finally and well the world is still empty for the most part a few npcs but nothing to fight. I tried listing the commands using [help but didn't find the sytex that made it pause on each page of info. When I had my server before (7 years + ago) it was a bit more...
  2. Quick Hello

    Have a question is there somewhere i can download a compiled version of the git hub repso I havn't had much luck working out how to do it on my own.
  3. Quick Hello

    Hello I am looking for a quick and easy way to set up a private server for my son and friends . I used to run a server long ago but have forgotten everything that I once knew which was not all that much in the balance of things. Not much to add really since I know nothing about the program...