Recent content by Spencer A Wintersong

  1. Spencer A Wintersong

    Pandora's Box

    Now that I have returned to the land of the living I am curious if there are any tools like this or should I update my links? I was thinking of making a dropbox or storing them on google drive for everyone.
  2. Spencer A Wintersong

    Pandora's Box

    ( Used these .MUL's to get the Deco tab to work. ( Used these MUL's to get the Travel tab to work. I beleive that the Map#.Muls can get the various other programs (UOautomap for example though i...
  3. Spencer A Wintersong


    I know i was gonna hyphenate but i decided everyone knew what was going on. Thanks though.
  4. Spencer A Wintersong


    Really he's doing better then i thought tho.
  5. Spencer A Wintersong


    Started on ShpereUO, then went to RunUO, Then ForkUo-Craft, now ServUO! Yeah, Hows everyone I've been working for many years to get a server up and come across many problems. Everything is going great now though and I'm on my way with the help of the people around here.
  6. Spencer A Wintersong

    Okay so, Craft is on life support for the time being so I'm on here now.

    Okay so, Craft is on life support for the time being so I'm on here now.