Recent content by tinchomey

  1. Increase the area of custom housing.

    Oh, that's bad news :'( Thanks for the data =) I try that, but there's a problem: You can put 18x18 terrains together but not behind. This is a picture that I can do:
  2. Hi world!

    Thanks mates!
  3. Increase the area of custom housing.

    Hi! I'm looking for help, I want to add more tyles of custom houses (18x18 is default) there's a way to increase that ammount of tyles? there's a script? this will help to create better custom houses (being a player) and Towns :) Thanks =)
  4. Hi world!

    Thank you Milva :)
  5. Hi world!

    Im here just to know new features and improve my skills (Magery, Meditation ,etc :D), my english is really bad, im from argentina and... Im so fucking cool (? Thanks (?