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  • Ended up starting this project over yet again. Hopefully this time for once I might be able to at least be able to bring it up to an alpha build or something.
    Working on yet another animated mobile. This time its 100% original compared to my previous two.


    • Faboilep Animation (70x85).gif
      Faboilep Animation (70x85).gif
      67.5 KB · Views: 23
    • Faboilep Spritesheet.jpg
      Faboilep Spritesheet.jpg
      236.1 KB · Views: 22
    Just gotta do (for both genders) 5 store robes, wedding dress, tuxedo, and both cloth/leather gargoyle wings then I should finally be finished with this paperdoll project.
    Decided to finally start getting back into map editing. 15+ years and this is part of what I have to show for it.
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    Interesting! would you mind sharing which references you used to get started from scratch?
    Slowly but surely I'm working on putting out a public release which hopefully should be just around the corner. Unlike my other releases, this one will be ongoing meaning I'll be adding onto the package as time goes on. Colorized paperdolls will not be included, though that might change in the far future depending on whether anyone is interesting in that sort of thing.


    • UO Human Male DLC Equipment Collage 1.jpg
      UO Human Male DLC Equipment Collage 1.jpg
      317 KB · Views: 29
    • UO Human Female DLC Equipment Collage 1.jpg
      UO Human Female DLC Equipment Collage 1.jpg
      301.3 KB · Views: 28
    Well here's something you don't see very often around these parts. For the 1% among us who've always wanted to wield either a giant carrot as a sword or a shark spine as a spear, you may soon get your wish in due time.
    401 Human Female.gifLets see. Either this is a joke or I'm really considering reworking human mobile animations by removing all of the unnecessary censorship in favor of something.................... less restrictive.
    baywatch = true;
    *cue 70s porno music*

    m.Send( Network.PlayMusic.GetInstance( MusicName.Mahna_Mahna ) );
    public override void OnEnter( Mobile m )
    base.OnEnter( m );
    if ( m is PlayerMobile )
    m.Send( Network.PlayMusic.GetInstance( MusicName.Yelo__OhYeah ) );

    public override void OnExit( Mobile m )
    base.OnExit( m );
    if ( m is PlayerMobile )
    m.Send( Network.PlayMusic.GetInstance( MusicName.Mahna_Mahna ) );
    You're welcome!


    • 50990 Lord British.jpg
      50990 Lord British.jpg
      8.5 KB · Views: 24
    • 50991 Lord Blackthorn.jpg
      50991 Lord Blackthorn.jpg
      7.4 KB · Views: 23
    • 50994 Dupre.jpg
      50994 Dupre.jpg
      8.4 KB · Views: 22
    So far, so good for the most part with this project. Now not only do I need to do portraits for Lord British, Lord Blackthorn and Dupre, but also provide an edited EquipConv.def file (the latter of which is gonna be a major pain in the ass on my part.)
    I believe I finally got the human portion of this project done and ready to go (Day 1 through Mondain's Legacy). Now I just gotta work on elves and gargoyles and maybe I might consider releasing this to the public if anyone is actually interested.


    • 50000 Human Male Equipment Spreadsheet.jpg
      50000 Human Male Equipment Spreadsheet.jpg
      1,010.2 KB · Views: 18
    • 60000 Human Female Equipment Spreadsheet.jpg
      60000 Human Female Equipment Spreadsheet.jpg
      976.1 KB · Views: 15
    • 50000 Weapons, Shields, Etc Spreadsheet.jpg
      50000 Weapons, Shields, Etc Spreadsheet.jpg
      444.4 KB · Views: 20
    • Human Paperdolls.jpg
      Human Paperdolls.jpg
      50.6 KB · Views: 19
    • Elf Paperdolls.jpg
      Elf Paperdolls.jpg
      48.8 KB · Views: 19
    • Gargoyle Paperdolls.jpg
      Gargoyle Paperdolls.jpg
      81.7 KB · Views: 20
    Working on small Xmas present for the community. Have about 122 items (with static art included) finished and finalized so far.


    • Classic UO Custom Gumps Collage 1.jpg
      Classic UO Custom Gumps Collage 1.jpg
      158.6 KB · Views: 34
    • Fan Service Collage 1.jpg
      Fan Service Collage 1.jpg
      29.8 KB · Views: 34
    A small teaser for 3rd Edition. Back to basics and bigger than ever before.


    • Human Paperdoll Equip Showcase 1.jpg
      Human Paperdoll Equip Showcase 1.jpg
      617.7 KB · Views: 30
    • Human Paperdoll Equip Showcase 2.jpg
      Human Paperdoll Equip Showcase 2.jpg
      643.4 KB · Views: 32
    • Human Paperdoll Equip Showcase 3.jpg
      Human Paperdoll Equip Showcase 3.jpg
      663.7 KB · Views: 19
    • Human Paperdoll Equip Showcase 4.jpg
      Human Paperdoll Equip Showcase 4.jpg
      593.1 KB · Views: 19
    • Elf Paperdoll Equip Showcase 1.jpg
      Elf Paperdoll Equip Showcase 1.jpg
      581.6 KB · Views: 15
    • Elf Paperdoll Equip Showcase 2.jpg
      Elf Paperdoll Equip Showcase 2.jpg
      595.9 KB · Views: 15
    • Elf Paperdoll Equip Showcase 3.jpg
      Elf Paperdoll Equip Showcase 3.jpg
      590 KB · Views: 17
    • Elf Paperdoll Equip Showcase 4.jpg
      Elf Paperdoll Equip Showcase 4.jpg
      562.8 KB · Views: 30
    Finally started tackling Time of Legends/Endless Journey content.


    • Time of Legends Female (Dragon Turtle Armor).png
      Time of Legends Female (Dragon Turtle Armor).png
      19.4 KB · Views: 20
    • Time of Legends Female (Wedding Attire).png
      Time of Legends Female (Wedding Attire).png
      22.7 KB · Views: 19
    • Time of Legends Female (Tiger Pelt Armor).png
      Time of Legends Female (Tiger Pelt Armor).png
      27.2 KB · Views: 20
    • Time of Legends Male (Dragon Turtle Armor).png
      Time of Legends Male (Dragon Turtle Armor).png
      24 KB · Views: 18
    • Time of Legends Male (Tiger Pelt Armor).png
      Time of Legends Male (Tiger Pelt Armor).png
      25.7 KB · Views: 17
    • Time of Legends Male (Wedding Attire).png
      Time of Legends Male (Wedding Attire).png
      22.4 KB · Views: 19
    Still working on the 2.0 build. Had to completely redo both humans/elves from the ground up because I didn't exactly like how they originally turned out. That being said, whenever I get around to releasing this, everything and I do mean everything is getting converted. We're talking roughly 1,153 files now so wish me the best of luck.
    And so begins my venture towards the 2.0 version of this project.


    • UO Paperdoll Equipment Showcase 2.0.png
      UO Paperdoll Equipment Showcase 2.0.png
      631.9 KB · Views: 41
    • UO Paperdoll Female Clothing Showcase 1.png
      UO Paperdoll Female Clothing Showcase 1.png
      196 KB · Views: 40
    • UO Paperdoll Female Clothing Showcase 2.png
      UO Paperdoll Female Clothing Showcase 2.png
      137.4 KB · Views: 40
    So even though chances are what I'm currently working on probably won't end up being used much if at all on my server, I am aware that there is a market fanbase for SA content and beyond. And while technically I can only go up to client (or version in my case) I figured, matters well try and give it a shot.


    • Male Gargoyle.png
      Male Gargoyle.png
      35.6 KB · Views: 21
    • Female Gargoyle.png
      Female Gargoyle.png
      28.4 KB · Views: 21
    Well................... about 600 or so gump revisions later I managed to finish everything up to Mondain's Legacy like I said I would. Pretty challenging endeavor on my part if I do say so myself and lord knows by the end I was slowly starting to go off of the deep end because of how long I've been at this project.
    3/4ths of the way through. Just need to do about 79 of the male/weapons portion before I'm fully finished. And after that, probably do a diagnostics check on what's been finished in order to make sure everything checks out (i.e. crooked helmets for starters).
    403 gumps down, and about 163 more to go until I'm fully finished. Keep in mind I'm only doing updates for content starting from the beginning all the way to the tail end of ML so no SA unfortunately. Also whenever I do get around to releasing this, the highest client I can go for is for obvious (modding) reasons.
    348 gumps down, and 177 for weapons & males/75 for females to go. Now we're starting to get to the harder stuff.


    • UO Female Human (Dupre Armor).png
      UO Female Human (Dupre Armor).png
      25 KB · Views: 18
    • UO Female Human (Kimono).png
      UO Female Human (Kimono).png
      18.8 KB · Views: 18
    • UO Male Elf (Elven Plate Armor).png
      UO Male Elf (Elven Plate Armor).png
      35.9 KB · Views: 17
    • UO Female Elf (Elven Plate Armor).png
      UO Female Elf (Elven Plate Armor).png
      26.9 KB · Views: 13
    • UO Male Elf (Misc Costume 1).png
      UO Male Elf (Misc Costume 1).png
      34.3 KB · Views: 8
    • UO Female Elf (Misc Costume 1).png
      UO Female Elf (Misc Costume 1).png
      20.8 KB · Views: 9
    • UO Male Elf (Misc Costume 2).png
      UO Male Elf (Misc Costume 2).png
      33.6 KB · Views: 14
    • UO Female Elf (Misc Costume 2).png
      UO Female Elf (Misc Costume 2).png
      21.7 KB · Views: 17
    So 203 gumps down, and 262 for weapons & males/142 for females to go. Looks like I've really gotten myself deep into this project and I'm hoping to eventually get it finished as soon as possible.


    • Majoras Mask Gump.png
      Majoras Mask Gump.png
      18.8 KB · Views: 13
    • Mask of Truth Gump.png
      Mask of Truth Gump.png
      18.1 KB · Views: 8
    • UO Female Human (Chain Armor).png
      UO Female Human (Chain Armor).png
      18.5 KB · Views: 9
    • UO Female Human (Dragon Armor).png
      UO Female Human (Dragon Armor).png
      22.8 KB · Views: 9
    • UO Female Human (Plate Armor w. Samurai Helmet).png
      UO Female Human (Plate Armor w. Samurai Helmet).png
      23.8 KB · Views: 8
    • UO Female Human (Plate Armor).png
      UO Female Human (Plate Armor).png
      22.7 KB · Views: 8
    • UO Male Human (Bone Armor).png
      UO Male Human (Bone Armor).png
      29.3 KB · Views: 9
    • UO Male Human (Chain Armor).png
      UO Male Human (Chain Armor).png
      28.4 KB · Views: 9
    • UO Male Human (Plate Armor w. Samurai Helmet).png
      UO Male Human (Plate Armor w. Samurai Helmet).png
      37.3 KB · Views: 10
    • UO Male Human (Plate Armor).png
      UO Male Human (Plate Armor).png
      34.1 KB · Views: 12
    So its been I believe 2 weeks now and I'm actually going through the effort of redoing the entire paperdoll system (at least up to ML) and while not perfect, it definitely seems like a major improvement over my previous efforts. If anyone is actually interested in this sort of thing, I'll be more than happy to release it to the general public sometime in the future free of charge of course after its fully finished.


    • Male Human Template 1 (Equipment Options) (Base Boy).png
      Male Human Template 1 (Equipment Options) (Base Boy).png
      17 KB · Views: 15
    • Male Human Example 1.png
      Male Human Example 1.png
      30.4 KB · Views: 19
    • Female Human Template 1 (Equipment Options) (Base Girl).png
      Female Human Template 1 (Equipment Options) (Base Girl).png
      15.3 KB · Views: 18
    • Female Human Example 1.png
      Female Human Example 1.png
      31.6 KB · Views: 15
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