Search results

  1. XeroX

    Basic Reporting to

    Hello guys, what do you think about an optional opt-in (default opt-out) for basic reporting of some parameters like operating system, used .NET Version, processor (number of cores), processor type, memory, avg player count, which password encryption is used, client version, etc. This excludes...
  2. XeroX


    Hello, does anyone know why the DynamicSaveStrategy has been excluded from SaveStrategy evaluation? Changed my Server to Dynamic, had no issues. Cheers
  3. XeroX

    Windows EventLog

    Hello guys, I want to discuss or ask if someone is using Windows EventLog impelentation of ServUO/RunUO. This allows you to write Events to the Main Application EventLog with Source ServUO. This isn't being used in the code or...
  4. XeroX

    New zLib Librarys and Hardware Random Number Generator

    Hello, recently I've send some pull requests to update zLib to a more recent version with fixes and improvements. Secondly I've improved and updated the old implementation of rdrand (renamed by Intel to libdrng) While the zLib librarys are included with ServUO you have to compile libdrng...
  5. XeroX

    Hardware Random Number Generator

    Hello, I recently committed an update to the hardware random number generator. This works great for Intel and should work for AMD too. The update was necessary as the old RDRAND implementation wasn't the latest code and required windows7sdk. Latest code for drng32.dll and/or drng64.dll can be...