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  1. Knives Townhouses

    Hello Happy new year. 1 - Im using Knives townhouses, i have houses that cost a daily rent, but doesnt seem to work, it takes the money from playerbank right after the purchase then it doesnt take the rent price every again. Anyone having same issue? 2 - Also what file handles the...
  2. How can i...

    Hello servuo community Im customizing a monster, i want it to ignore players ive been checking scripts, the only thing ive found is the AlterMeleeDamageTo method i added it and changed to damage = 0; it still attacking players dealing 1 damage, so is there any method to ignore playermobiles?
  3. Treasure map increase guardian creatures amount

    Sorry for the stupid question, how to make treasuremaps spawn more creatures around? currently only 5 appear... wich are not too much. thanksssssss
  4. crash

    today i was playing with xmlparagon and paragonchest, i spawned 100 zombies with 1hp and very high chance of dropping paragonchest. casted earthquake and server crashed! Exception: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. at...
  5. Prevent recall/gate/mark from-to certain places

    I have customregions in a box but some dungeons are very big, and im not able to cover everytile to prevernt recall or mark. I added a check from doom, it ONLY WORKS if recalls are from book, recalls from runebook still work, so how can i prevent players to recall from book and recall book to...
  6. Link vet rewards to account?

    Anyone can help me with this? id like to link items from vet rewards to account so they can only wear by the same player
  7. Moongate only for Chaos/Order guilds

    HELLO im using Runuo 2.2, im currently making a faction servers for my friends, we are trying to make a Moongate for each ''side'' Order and Chaos. How can we make moongates that only Chaos/Order members can enter? Sorry for the noobish question,well thanks!