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  1. Test to see if server is accessible

  2. Test to see if server is accessible

    did you get this figured out? if not might be able to give you a hand
  3. Teleporter.cs

    is PvPModeCheck an added property and is it added in all the necessary file? If so this should be line 229 if (m_PvPModeCheck && m.PvPModeCheck) or by PvPModeCheck you mean Warmode? these would replace in the respective places. m_Warmode; m_Warmode = false; //this sets the default to false...
  4. OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54

    you may have already fixed it by now, and this file prolly needs to be straighten up but I got it to call and send correctly when mining stone and gems. I know nothing about this language or anything I figured it out with a little trail and error.
  5. New ServUO Rebuild w/OWLTR & FS-ATS

    ever figure out the problem with board and logs on the fletching and carp?
  6. Kojio's Realm

    No unfortunately the mage is messed up and I have to fix it but I assure you once I'm back from my trip it'll be fixed
  7. Kojio's Realm

    Okay I'll get it fixed thank you for informing me Also it's classic client version
  8. Kojio's Realm

    Friendly skill caps, 600 Stat Cap, Fast gains, Free 7x GM skillball, Hundreds of custom monsters/Items, Custom crafting, Leveled Weapons, Animal Breeding, Bioengineeringclient Version Ultima Classic client latest uosteam and razor work 2593