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  1. BlitzFalcon

    Champion Spawn edit help needed

    There it is! Thank you so much.
  2. BlitzFalcon

    Champion Spawn edit help needed

    Hello there, I'm looking to reduce the number of mob kills needed to advance each section of my champ spawns. I remember seeing this value or multiplier before in the scripts but can't seem to find it anymore. If someone could please point me to it. I am just looking to cut down the number by...
  3. BlitzFalcon

    Stable Slot Increase Help - Publish 54

    Hello, I'm trying to find a way to simply increase the number of stable slots on a character. Is there any option under [props that will allow me to do that? I have tried adding the StableSlotIncreaseToken but 1. I'm not sure what I'm doing, and 2. The version I use does not have the UO store...
  4. BlitzFalcon

    Loot level seems way too high, way to lower it?

    Okay great! I've never messed with imbuing so I suppose this would be the time to look into it. As long as I didn't mess anything up, looks good to me! Thank you Falkor.
  5. BlitzFalcon

    Hello everyone

    Hi Everyone! I'm a streamer who recently (accidentally) fell in love with a UO role-play character I made while showing my viewers Ultima Online, one of my favorite classics. After the server I was playing on went down for several days, I decided to make my own so that would never impact my...
  6. BlitzFalcon

    Loot level seems way too high, way to lower it?

    Hello everyone! I've been looking through the forums for a couple of days and haven't found anything identical to this question. The item shown is a drop from a Lesser Hiryu, but I'm receiving similarly insane items from nearly every kill. I recently started my server with ServUO publish...