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  1. Chucl

    where are ContextMenuEntry defined?

    hello im trying to add a new ones and i would like to name them, where are the number 6201,6202.. etc defined? if ( Alive && InsuranceEnabled ) { list.Add( new CallbackEntry( 6201, new ContextCallback( ToggleItemInsurance ) ) )...
  2. Chucl

    Making Tents houseregion?

    is there an example or code that i can check, i really dont know how houseregions are made, ive been checking houseplacementtool but i dont understand how it works
  3. Chucl

    Centred+ tile height problem

    Hello im using centred, whenever i want to change tile height it appears BLACK, what im missing? the tile has strechable flag if the surface is not flat the tile appears black. ---------------------------------------------- some tiles doesnt appear black, others do, whats the diference...
  4. Chucl

    Warning: 0x40000070: Amount changed for non-stackable

    I get that error in console, this is the item: public class Torn : Item { [Constructable] public Torn() :this(1) { } [Constructable] public Torn(int amount) : base( 0x05ED ) { Name = "Screws"...
  5. Chucl

    Players dying while polymorph issue

    hellooo lets say a player is polymorphed into Bear, if he dies his corpse is also bear form, isthere a way to set the itemid of the corpse to Human?? using runuo 2.2
  6. Chucl

    How to make item wide? so it blocks more tiles

    hello i made a wall, put it into the uofiles, gave it flags : Graphic: 0x05EE (1518) Height/Capacity: 20 Weight: 255 Animation: 0 Quality/Layer/Light: 0 Quantity: 0 Hue: 0 StackingOffset/Unk4: 0 Flags: Wall, Impassable, NoShoot, ArticleA anyone knows how to make it to block few tiles? do i...
  7. Chucl

    Upgrading to .NET 4.8 for old projects

    I tried to upgrade, and im getting an error: RunUO - [] Version 2.2, Build 8698.21132 Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727 Core: Optimizing for 4 64-bit processors Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...ScriptCompiler: CS1617: Invalid option '7.3' for /langversion; must be...
  8. Chucl

    Trying to make a player list and order it by their attachment values

    Hello guys im trying to make a list of all players then order it by the Value of 2 attachments together, higher at the top, leaderboard like i saw this method somewhere (thanks vorspire) but its giving me 2 errors; CS1061: Line 88: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' does not contain a...
  9. Chucl

    Player resurrect and equip the last wearing items?

    Hello i disabled item drop on my server, corpses appear empty Is there an easy way to make the player equip the items it was wearing before the death whenever it gets resurrected? Edit: i just found the m_RestoreEquip method ill try to implement it to playermobile and see if it works Im using...
  10. Chucl

    Item properties only displaying on a gump if im carrying the item

    I installed xanthos auction system on Runuo 2.2: The method used inside the gump script is: AddItemProperty( item.Serial); So the item properties are only shown if the item is in my backpack or im carrying it, is there a way to fix that?
  11. Chucl

    Blacksmith gump message

    Where the file of this message? ive been checking the craft files and couldnt find it Craftgump.cs Craftitem.cs DefBacksmith.cs i thought it was the !ConsumeRes but it looks like isnt there i found messages like this one message = 502925; // You don't have the resources required to make...
  12. Chucl

    When doubleclicking an item, facing the direction of said item?

    Item is on the ground
  13. Chucl

    How to check the spawner of an item?

    Hello im using Xmlspawner, and Runuo, i know Xmlspawners can do many things I got an item that gets deleted after a player does Doubleclick i would like to change something inside the Xmlspawner right before the item gets deleted what i would like to do is to set the nextspawntime to...
  14. Chucl

    Checking the playermobile inside GetProperties method?

    is there a way to check for a playermobile inside that method? i know how to check the parent mobile, but the custom property will only show up if the player is wearing the armor BaseArmor.cs public override void GetProperties( ObjectPropertyList list ) {...
  15. Chucl

    Whats this chance means?

    int DestroyChance = Utility.Random(3); if (DestroyChance > 0) // Success {
  16. Chucl

    Looking for items in first backpack level?

    I know how to look for items, but it looks whole backpack, is there a way to look for first level items? and avoid those inside containers? thanks
  17. Chucl

    Checking if player moved in the last 10 min?

    Anyone? thank you , im kidna lost btw im using Old Runuo 2.2
  18. Chucl

    How to display a different History string for each mobile?

    Then somewhere inside the mobile i add a string, everything works fine, what i want to do is to each mobile has his own string history If i spawn 2 mobiles they both share the same gump & strings, not sure if i explain myself good enough
  19. Chucl

    How can i add a basefont color to this string?

    Line.Add(string.Format("[{0}]<basefont color=white{1}>{2}<basefont color=white> " ,System.DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("HH:mm:ss]"+" "+"[d/M/y"), (Config.AutoColoredNames ? (item.Name.GetHashCode()>>8).ToString() : "FF8033"), Utility.FixHtml(" test,"+"...
  20. Chucl

    Displaying current month in a string?

    System.DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("HH:mm:ss]"+" "+"[d/m/y") [ The /d/m/y part displays the day, the minutes and the year, how to display the current month?