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  1. conqueror

    How to adjust the decay time of the thrown item, can you help?

    Broadcast(0x35, true, "World recording completed. The whole process took {0:F1} seconds.", watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); What script is included? Runuo
  2. conqueror

    How to adjust the decay time of the thrown item, can you help?

    yes i did as you wrote with .props command but can you share the script file if possible I couldn't change the time
  3. conqueror

    How to adjust the decay time of the thrown item, can you help?

    Thank you for your replies. Items are rotting but after 1 hour I understood that by following it, I wonder which script it is in. I want to set time
  4. conqueror

    help gump

    Gump'a yardım et, paylaşır mısın? yönetici sayfası, oyunculara mesaj vb.
  5. conqueror

    How to adjust the decay time of the thrown item, can you help?

    I mean, the items thrown to the ground are not deleted on the server, is there a code to be added to a script, thanks again for your interest.
  6. conqueror

    How to adjust the decay time of the thrown item, can you help?

    I'm talking about the items thrown on the ground, where is the deletion time set, thank you for your attention
  7. conqueror

    How to adjust the decay time of the thrown item, can you help?

    Fırlatılan eşyanın çürüme süresi nasıl ayarlanır yardımcı olur musunuz?
  8. conqueror

    Decay İtem help

    I am sorry
  9. conqueror

    Decay İtem help

    Fırlatılan eşyanın çürüme süresi nasıl ayarlanır yardımcı olur musunuz?