
  1. World of Ultima

    World of Ultima | The New Official Free-shard [Looking for GM's and Live Beta Players] UOGamers/Defiance UOR style server.

    Our Mission with World of Ultima Welcome to World of Ultima, the free Ultima Online server that will transport you back to the golden era of MMO gaming. If you're feeling nostalgic for the days when MMOs were the ultimate form of escapism, then World of Ultima is the perfect place for you. Our...
  2. Voxpire

    Misc Upgrading to .NET 4.8 for old projects

    This tutorial is a short and sweet step-by-step guide on updating the target framework for older projects such as RunUO 2.2 and earlier, or ServUO P56 and earlier. This assumes that your project is set up with the necessary SLN and CSPROJ files needed to compile using MSBuild / CSC. Using...
  3. SithLordSky

    RunUO Oldie

    So. I have a question. I'm trying to set up a Lord Blackthorn's Revenge Server for my friend and I. While we've been able to tweak and fix a lot of things, one thing I'm having a huge issue with, is nothing but the Vendor's are spawning. No mobs, no animals, no decor. I remember using...
  4. ImaNewb

    Problem with Razor Negotiator (RunUO)

    I am having a problem getting razor negotiator to compile. I have a custom server that was modified from UOGamers Rebirth. This is the error I am getting. I believe the script is mostly the standard Razor Negotiator. using System; using System.Collections; using Server; using Server.Network...
  5. SimonOmega

    Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

    Salutations, I am the brother of @Sareus. I was around in the RunUO days. Most of my contributions were in helping RunUO support Mono and in Expansions.UOR / Expansions.T2A. I had to take a hiatus from RunUO years ago for family and career. I've been lurking in the shadows, thought I would...
  6. Virtual Player Vendor (PlayerVendor Bot) 1.1

    Virtual Player Vendor (PlayerVendor Bot) A low-population/solo shard player vendor system by Gadget2013. Version: 1.1 Out-of-the-box (drag and drop) compatible with: RunUO 2.2, RunUO 2.4.1, RunUO 2.6, RunUO 2.7 (build 28382), ServUO Publish 54, ServUO Publish 55.1, ServUO Publish 56.1...
  7. Ultima Odyssey Extensions Pack 1.8

    This is a collection of minor and sometimes not-so-minor modifications (extensions) for Djeryv's Ultima Odyssey, a solo/multiplayer adventure game powered with RunUO 2.1 and Ultima Online client If you don't yet have Ultima Odyssey, you can download it from here...
  8. Finaltwist

    [RUNUO] Lady Luck 2020-04-13

    This is a script i butchered from DATT99's OWTLR. originally part of the token system there, i wanted a simple lottery system for my solo server. This script works with RUNUO, so some minor changes may be required for servUO. how it works: place lady luck somewhere players can buy lottery...
  9. How do I create a new Server.exe?

    Hello. I'm sorry if I'm bringing this up wrong :) How do I create a new Runuo.exe file? I'm going to make some changes in the exe I'm going to create, so I need it. Note : I have open source ultima online, but i don't have Runuo.exe in it Thanks for help :)
  10. LizzyBELL

    Is there anyway to make it so you can drink a potion without having to de-equipped a weapon.

    Is there anyway to make it so you can drink a potion without having to de-equipped a weapon. It says in chat you must have free hand to drink a potion. I am trying to figure out how to remove that so I can drink the potion with a weapon in my hand. RunUO
  11. Request For MyHunger 2017-08-22

    I really want a meaningful hunger, thirst, exhaustion, disease ect mod for my survival shard, could some one port this runUO hunger pack? Or point me to a better one?

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