
Ive been looking at the current active shards recently and to me they all look pretty much the same..
It seems people like the T2A era style shards with some minor custom features..

Ive been thinking about making a shard of a more modern Era.
I was wondering what features players would be interested in..
I am not looking to make a overpowered shard with unlimited skill caps and uber items but i would like to make it fairly custom.


Skill cap 1000/1200 with vet rewards
Stat cap 300/350 with stat scrolls
Quests (lots of different types xml and hard coded)
New Champs
Optional PVP on most maps
Automated Events (PVP and PVE)
New Crafting Systems
Possible Custom Facet (turn felucca 100% custom new dungeons and cities)

These are just simple things i can think off but i am open to many suggestions..
The only thing I can think of would be so that skill gains are not to slow?
I believe all your thoughts of a server are great ideas especially the automated events for pvp and pve- crafting is always a plus of course along with custom areas :) I'm amazed still that some servers can have a plus of 100 players while other's still just get by, free server's use to be only a handful but today there are so many :)
Yeah a increase skill gain is a must i know everyone hates training skills..

I have a working powerhour system aswel that would grant players increased gains at certain times of the day depending on when there first gain was..

I am even looking into making skill balls or something drop on a certain mobile for those skills that are long to train like crafting..
Im thinking along the lines of a complete new set of champions that drop +5/+10/+15/+20 skill balls that will only take you to the current cap then a new "harrower" that would drop +5/+10/+15/+20 cap increasement balls so you can use them as basicly Powerscrolls on any skill.

I find the problem with most of the shards that have a very low player base is either they are far too custom or they are just far to plain..
I had this idea a while back, I never implemented it but might be worth considering.

Skill gains from completing quests related to the skill. Quests increase in difficulty as you gain more skill.
I actually thought about using quests aswel but then i sat back and thought about the New Haven quests that have accelarated skill gains in certain area's and the lack of how they are used...

I could upgrade these quests to give better rewards and a skill increase but i still feel again that it would be a waste as i don't believe players will actually do them
I think the problem with the New Haven quest are that they are just as repetitious as working the skills and since they only take you to 50, they don't offer much of an accelerated gain.

I was thinking more in the 80-100 range on skills and have a reward of like +5 skill instead of just sending you out to work the skill for gains.

An example would be to apprentice under an alchemist who sends you out on quests to find ingredients that are increasingly hard to find or that require you kill a certain creature. When you return successful, the alchemist master rewards you with a gain in alchemy skill.
I understand where you are coming from this is something that im going to have to give some serious thought into..

Maybe i can look at incorporating a new style of bod system that gives players skill gains in crafting skills instead of items and possible a bounty system that gives combat skills..
I am for slow skill gains it gives people pride in their work and a sense of achievement. You don't get handed the keys to a house and fast car in real life. While it is a video game you don't fight dragons in real life either. getting the fine line between comfortable and insane is the challenge. All these shards that give players max skills, gold, a house, 100% lrc, ETC at start are a blight on the private shard community in my opinion. They should be burnt to the ground.
I agree with you Hank, but I think a big problem is that private shards go down, change, etc and people who spent ages working skills get tired of working the same skills every time they go to a new shard (by choice or necessity). I know I have worked skills at least a dozen times and would rather quit then work them again, so I seek out a shard that sells skillballs or something. I make decent money and its easier for me to buy skills then spend the hours working them.

Just my 1 cent - Obama took my other cent.
I don't actually agree to much with donations as they allow some people the ability to get things others can't.

I will probably create a new player gate system so their first character per account can use the gate to boost their starting skills.

This along with the ability to earn skill balls via the new champ spawns should make things fair and easier to develop skills.

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I don't actually agree to much with donations as they allow some people the ability to get things others can't.

I used to feel the same way until I realized that its also unfair that some people work a lot and can't get the things that powergamers can because they don't have the time to farm or work skills.

Personally, I like donations as long as two conditions are met:
1. The shard is not doing it just to make money.
2. The same items that are being sold are available by other means in the game.

But you certainly should do what you want for your shard, don't make the mistake of catering to players, make it a place you want to play on. I'm just throwing out opinions and options :)

Active Shards


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