I'm trying to emulate a UO renaissance shard with ServUO. I'm already aware of ServUO's intention to make it as OSI accurate as possible, so I understand that there may be little to no support in this matter but it's worth a shot. I'm having tons of difficulty when it comes to accurately emulating this era. Part of it is getting a good reference to damage and dice / calculation methods while the biggest part is changing the existing system. Fact is, I don't even know where to start.

Do I change the BaseWeapon.cs file and change the entire dice system?
Do I change each weapon individually to reflect min/max damages?
Do I need to change both systems or files to reflect properly?
Do I need to change BaseArmor.cs as well?
What is a good reference for this kind of information?
We ended up implementing it using dice rolls. Had to manually enter the overrides for the dice sides etc. from stratics into each weapon file and just modified how base damage is calculated on BaseWeapon.cs (replaced minmax with a dice) and included some hooks so it could be changed for each individual item as well as from ingame