Does anyone know about a Lotion to become immune to the acid before entering Chief Paroxysmus' Lair? I've searched my scripts and it seems my server doesn't have it. I'd love to have it! Maybe there's a link to it?
Thanks for the respond Milva. The Acid Proof Robe doesn't help though. Not sure what acid it's supposed to work against...but not the Acid River at The Palace of Paroxysmus, also it only has a base fire resistance of 4.
[doublepost=1489348346][/doublepost]I tried the Acid Proof Robe with the Poison Resistance set to 100 and it didn't help. Here's my script:
using System;

namespace Server.Items
    public class AcidProofRobe : Robe
        public override bool IsArtifact { get { return true; } }
        public AcidProofRobe()
            this.Hue = 0x455;
            this.LootType = LootType.Blessed;

        public AcidProofRobe(Serial serial)
            : base(serial)

        public override int LabelNumber
                return 1095236;
        }// Acid-Proof Robe [Replica]
        public override int BasePoisonResistance
                return 100;
        public override int InitMinHits
                return 150;
        public override int InitMaxHits
                return 150;
        public override bool CanFortify
                return false;
        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)


        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)

            int version = reader.ReadInt();

            if (version < 1 && this.Hue == 1)
                this.Hue = 0x455;
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The Acid River isn't doing poison damage. I didn't know anything about this but I searched Google with the terms servuo and "surely kill", which is part of one of the messages that walking in the acid river gives you, and found out that the river is coded in DamagingRegion.cs. Unfortunately I don't know how to script immunity to it - that's beyond me - and I don't have the Lotion script you referred to either.
Thanks, I noticed when I was in the lair of Chief Paroxysmus I got bombarded by area damages. Fighting him is bad enough... having to deal with area damages too is too much. I heard that there was some sort of a lotion that stopped the area damages when applied.
DamagingRegion around line 229 = AcidRiver

Then in the Damage method do a check to see if they have the Lotion on and if so then send a message saying they're immune or whatever.

...sorry, had to do it
Yes, I saw that in DamageRegion.cs just wondering if the script was available.

The script is not available to our knowledge. What I mean by this is that I searched for anything related, and also because there was no buff called anything like AcidProof, that I could find. Also, in the damaging region part it makes no exceptions for anything except being dead. Pretty harsh. I agree with Zerodowned, that is the spot. Also, I would recommend creating a new buff, having the lotion apply the buff, and have the acid river have a small chance of overcoming the buff, especially in the more damaging parts of the river.
Thanks for the file link. I think that may be it maybe! I got this error when loading though:
+ LifeShieldLotion.cs:
CS0246: Line 17: The type or namespace name 'BaseBalmOrLotion' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
The script is not available to our knowledge. What I mean by this is that I searched for anything related, and also because there was no buff called anything like AcidProof, that I could find. Also, in the damaging region part it makes no exceptions for anything except being dead. Pretty harsh. I agree with Zerodowned, that is the spot. Also, I would recommend creating a new buff, having the lotion apply the buff, and have the acid river have a small chance of overcoming the buff, especially in the more damaging parts of the river.
As in an earlier post I was wanting to use it in Chief Paroxymus' Lair. Fighting him is bad enough... having to deal with area damages too is too much.
[doublepost=1489598508][/doublepost]So, here's what it shows on The keys are exchanged for an "ointment" which when double clicked can be rubbed on your body, thus preventing you from the instant death of the lake of acid, and enabling you to walk across and enter the Chief's Island.
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