Hey TheArt,, thank you for providing this download. Being new to servuo and the forums, where would I put this in my files in order to have it on my server?
Hey TheArt,, thank you for providing this download. Being new to servuo and the forums, where would I put this in my files in order to have it on my server?
You probably figured this out by now.. but just incase while im here and doing the same thing you did.
Make a new folder in: ServUO-master\Scripts
Then put it in that new folder, so it will end up like this:

The server was down while i did this, im not sure if the server needs to be down while adding scripts like this.
This FullNecroSpellbook seems to be missing spell Exocism.
I think
public FullNecroSpellbook() : this((ulong)0xFFFF)
this.Content = (ulong)0xFFFF;
should be relpaced as following
public FullNecroSpellbook() : this((ulong)0x1FFFF)
this.Content = (ulong)0x1FFFF;

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