Hey folks,

I am using a script I found in the resources section to make locked doors in dungeons that only be opened when the correct switch is found and used. I want to alter it so you can only select the doors the switch works on if you are an admin character. For everyone else, it will just open the door. I have looked at other scripts to get an idea of how to do it, but can't find anything quite like it... any suggestions?

using System;
using Server;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Targeting;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections;
namespace Server.Items

public class DoorSwitch : Item
//private ArrayList m_doors;
private ArrayList m_doors;
public DoorSwitch() : base(0x108F)
LootType = LootType.Blessed;
Movable = false;
Name = "switch";
Hue = 38;
m_doors = new ArrayList();
public DoorSwitch( Serial serial ) : base( serial )
public override void GetProperties( ObjectPropertyList list )
base.GetProperties( list );
int count = m_doors.Count;
list.Add("Doors controlled: {0}", count);

public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile m)
m.SendMessage("Please target a door to add/remove or this item to open/close the doors.");
m.Target = new AddDoor(m_doors);
public void switchit(){
BaseDoor oc;
foreach(Item i in m_doors){
oc = i as BaseDoor;
if (oc.Open)
oc.Open = false;
oc.Open = true;
public class AddDoor : Target
private ArrayList door;
public AddDoor(ArrayList m_doors) : base(15, false, TargetFlags.None)
door = m_doors;
public void switchit()
BaseDoor oc;
foreach (Item i in door)
oc = i as BaseDoor;
if (oc.Open)
oc.Open = false;
oc.Open = true;
protected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object targ)
if (targ is DoorSwitch)
if (!(targ is BaseDoor))
from.SendMessage("That is not a door");
BaseDoor d = targ as BaseDoor;
Item targ1 = targ as Item;
if (!door.Contains(targ1))
from.SendMessage("Door added!");
from.SendMessage("Door removed!");

public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
base.Serialize( writer );
writer.Write( (int) 0 ); // version

public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
base.Deserialize( reader );
int version = reader.ReadInt();
m_doors = reader.ReadItemList();

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Edit... forgot to mention I am using ServUO.
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Never mind! I added this if/else routine where it adds doors, and it worked. :p

if ( from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster )
if (!door.Contains(targ1))
from.SendMessage("Door added!");
from.SendMessage("Door removed!");
from.SendMessage("You are not allowed to add doors!");
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