
Anyone know what these errors mean?

+ Customs/my scripts/airship/Airship.cs:
CS0121: Line 209: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'Server.Multis.BaseBoat.BaseBoat(Server.Direction)' and 'Server.Multis.BaseBoat.BaseBoat(Server.Serial)'
CS0122: Line 1554: 'Server.Multis.BaseBoat.m_IlshWrap' is inaccessible due to its protection level
CS0122: Line 1556: 'Server.Multis.BaseBoat.m_TokunoWrap' is inaccessible due to its protection level
CS0122: Line 1558: 'Server.Multis.BaseBoat.m_BritWrap' is inaccessible due to its protection level
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
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Basically, on line 209 of your Airship.cs the compiler is unsure which constructor you're trying to call.

The rest of the errors mean you're trying to access a private/protected field from outside of the class it's declared in.


Kind of got that. I don't know why the compiler is usnsure which constructor to call. The two constructors are:

public Airship(Direction direction)
: this(direction, false)
public Airship(Direction direction, bool isClassic)
: base(0x0)
That's the thing. I'm not calling it. The class is there but I'm not doing anything with it. So I can't really answer your question?
If you're inheriting from BaseBoat, you should probably use MediumBoat or something as a code reference instead of BaseBoat itself. But I think I need to see your whole Airship.cs, as I'm only seeing part of the picture I think.
Here is my airship.cs. Its pretty scatterbrained right now, its a work in progress and I just started.


  • Airship.cs
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