HI, i wild do a quest like a gincana, where player need to talk first with a npc and this npc set a xmlvalue (random new value name), and the next npc only talk with this npc i the player has the xmlvalue from the last npc.

This its possible using [xmledit?

How i can do that?
Using Xmlspawner/XmlDialog, QuestNPC A would give a questbook for the quest and QuestNPC B would only be triggered by players that are carrying that questbook.

Note: it doesn't have to be a questbook either, it could be any item really that's only given out by QuestNPC A. Alternatively, you could add an XmlAttachment to the player that gets the quest from QuestNPC A. Then QuestNPC B would be triggered only by players with that XmlAttachment.
Take a look at the Wiki for Xmlspawner tutorials. After you do those, you'll have a basic understanding on how to create the quest the way you're wanting to.

What you want to do isn't terribly complicated (as far as the steps to complete the process), but it can be time consuming. Some of the quests I've created over the years for my shard take several hours to set up.
yes i know, but the problem its when player its dead, My idea its for resurrect players. Players dead cant give objects.
XmlQuestNPCs can talk to ghosts. So only dead players would trigger them, but they couldn't get a questbook, so the QuestNPCs would have to assign an XmlAttachment to the player. You can still follow the Xmlspawner tutorials for setting up quests and NPCs, the only difference is allowing the NPC to interact with ghosts, which is a setting you can have.

Have you eliminated corpse decay on your shard too btw? Otherwise that would be an issue facing players as well (running around on a quest while their corpse decays into nothing).